@article{fdi:010075552, title = {{A}dvances in 3{D} imaging and volumetric reconstruction of fluid and melt inclusions by high resolution {X}-ray computed tomography}, author = {{R}ichard, {A}. and {M}orlot, {C}. and {C}reon, {L}. and {B}eaudoin, {N}. and {B}alistky, {V}. {S}. and {P}entelei, {S}. and {D}yja-{P}erson, {V}. and {G}iuliani, {G}aston and {P}ignatelli, {I}. and {L}egros, {H}. and {S}terpenich, {J}. and {P}ironon, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}luid and melt inclusions are tiny pockets of fluid and melt trapped in natural and synthetic minerals. {C}haracterizing the 3{D} distribution of fluid and melt inclusions within minerals, their shape and the volume fraction of their different phases is crucial for determining the conditions of crystal growth and paleostress analysis. {H}owever, their relatively small size (typically 5 to 100 mu m), complex shape, heterogeneous content, the opaque nature of some host minerals and projection bias frequently hamper accurate imaging and volumetric reconstruction using conventional microscopic techniques. {H}igh resolution {X}-ray computed tomography ({HRXCT}) is a non-destructive method which uses contrasts of {X}-ray attenuation in a series of contiguous radiographs with different view angles to reconstruct the 3{D} distribution of areas of different densities within a large variety of materials. {I}n this work, we show the capabilities of {HRXCT} for: (i) imaging the 3{D} distribution of aqueous and hydrocarbon-bearing fluid inclusions and silicate melt inclusions in a crystal; (ii) characterizing the shape of fluid and melt inclusions and (iii) reconstructing the total volume and the volume of the different phases (liquid, glass, crystal, vapor) of fluid and melt inclusions. {W}e have used a variety of hand specimens and chips of transparent and opaque minerals (olivine, quartz, feldspar, garnet, emerald, wolframite), that we analyzed using three different {HRXCT} setups. {W}hen a resolution of similar to 1 mu m(3)/voxel is achieved, {HRXCT} allows identifying > 5 mu m fluid inclusions, and the identification and volumetric reconstruction of the different phases can be carried out with reasonable confidence for relatively large (> 25 mu m) inclusions. {D}ensity contrasts are high enough to properly identify: (i) a silicate melt inclusion, and its different phases (glass, vapor and crystals such as clinopyroxene and spinel) in an olivine crystal; (ii) aqueous monophase (liquid) and two-phase (liquid + vapor) fluid inclusions in transparent and opaque minerals (quartz, garnet, emerald, wolframite). {I}n the case of hydrocarbon-bearing fluid inclusions containing a vapor phase and two liquid phases (oil and aqueous solution), the two liquid phases could not be distinguished from each other. {V}olumetric reconstruction of liquid and vapor phases of aqueous and hydrocarbon-bearing fluid inclusions show compatible results with independent calculations using known pressure, temperature, molar volume and composition ({P}-{T}-{V}-x) conditions of trapping or imaging using confocal laser scanning microscopy respectively. {C}ollectively, our results show that {HRXCT} is a promising tool for non-destructive characterization of fluid and melt inclusions.}, keywords = {{F}luid inclusions ; {M}elt inclusions ; {H}igh resolution {X}-ray computed tomography ; {V}olume ; {S}hape ; {P}hase}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}hemical {G}eology}, volume = {508}, numero = {{N}o {S}p{\'e}cial}, pages = {3--14}, ISSN = {0009-2541}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.06.012}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075552}, }