@article{fdi:010075227, title = {{I}nterventions to improve micronutrient status of women of reproductive age in {S}outheast {A}sia : a narrative review on what works, what might work, and what doesn't work}, author = {{D}ijkhuizen, {M}. {A}. and {G}reffeuille, {V}al{\'e}rie and {R}oos, {N}. and {B}erger, {J}acques and {W}ieringa, {F}ranck}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}bjectives {T}oprovide an overview of nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions that could improve micronutrient status of women of reproductive age. {M}ethods {T}his narrative review has a special focus on {S}outheast {A}sia, as the work was undertaken within the framework of the {SMILING} ({S}ustainable {M}icronutrient {I}nterventions to contro{L} deficiencies and {I}mprove {N}utrition status and {G}eneral health in {S}outheast {A}sia) project. {R}esults{I}n order for new interventions to become accepted, comprehension and interpretation of potential impact of different strategies by policymakers and non-nutritionists is needed. {B}y presenting a wide overview of strategies, and discussing the context and current consensus on these strategies, the review aims to help with the formulation of new recommendations for national programs in {S}outheast {A}sia. {C}onclusions {C}urrent policies in {S}outheast {A}sia to improve micronutrient status of women of reproductive age are focused too much on single micronutrient supplementation for pregnant women (iron and folic acid supplements). {A} more holistic approach, including both nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions, is needed.}, keywords = {{W}omen of reproductive age ; {M}icronutrient ; {I}ron ; {F}olic acid ; {D}eficiency ; {S}upplementation ; {F}ortification ; {ASIE} {DU} {SUD} {EST} ; {VIET} {NAM} ; {CAMBODGE} ; {INDONESIE}}, booktitle = {{I}mproving policies to combat micronutrient deficiencies in {S}outheast {A}sia : {T}he {SMILING} experience}, journal = {{M}aternal and {C}hild {H}ealth {J}ournal}, volume = {23}, numero = {{S}uppl. 1 : no sp{\'e}cial}, pages = {18--28}, ISSN = {1092-7875}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1007/s10995-018-2637-4}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075227}, }