@article{fdi:010075179, title = {{T}he plant-growth-promoting actinobacteria of the genus {N}ocardia induces root nodule formation in {C}asuarina glauca}, author = {{G}hodhbane-{G}tari, {F}. and {N}ouioui, {I}. and {H}ezbri, {K}. and {L}undstedt, {E}. and {D}'{A}ngelo, {T}. and {M}c{N}utt, {Z}. and {L}aplaze, {L}aurent and {G}herbi, {H}assen and {V}aissayre, {V}irginie and {S}vistoonoff, {S}ergio and ben {A}hmed, {H}. and {B}oudabous, {A}. and {T}isa, {L}. {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}ctinorhizal plants form a symbiotic association with the nitrogen-fixing actinobacteria {F}rankia. {T}hese plants have important economic and ecological benefits including land reclamation, soil stabilization, and reforestation. {R}ecently, many non-{F}rankia actinobacteria have been isolated from actinorhizal root nodules suggesting that they might contribute to nodulation. {T}wo {N}ocardia strains, {BMG}51109 and {BMG}111209, were isolated from {C}asuarina glauca nodules, and they induced root nodule-like structures in original host plant promoting seedling growth. {T}he formed root nodule-like structures lacked a nodular root at the apex, were not capable of reducing nitrogen and had their cortical cells occupied with rod-shaped {N}ocardiae cells. {B}oth {N}ocardia strains induced root hair deformation on the host plant. {BMG}111209 strain induced the expression of the {P}ro{C}g{N}in:{G}us gene, a plant gene involved in the early steps of the infection process and nodulation development. {N}ocardia strain {BMG}51109 produced three types of auxins ({I}ndole-3-acetic acid [{IAA}], {I}ndole-3-{B}yturic {A}cid [{IBA}] and {P}henyl {A}cetic {A}cid [{PAA}]), while {N}ocardia {BMG}111209 only produced {IAA}. {A}nalysis of the {N}ocardia genomes identified several important predicted biosynthetic gene clusters for plant phytohormones, secondary metabolites, and novel natural products. {C}o-infection studies showed that {N}ocardia strain {BMG}51109 plays a role as a helper bacteria promoting an earlier onset of nodulation. {T}his study raises many questions on the ecological significance and functionality of {N}ocardia bacteria in actinorhizal symbioses.}, keywords = {{N}on-{F}rankia actinobacteria ; {N}ocardia ; {P}lant infectivity ; {A}uxins ; {A}ctinorhizal symbiosis ; {P}lant-growth-promotion}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}ntonie {V}an {L}eeuwenhoek = {I}nternational {J}ournal of {G}eneral and {M}olecular {M}icrobiology}, volume = {112}, numero = {1}, pages = {75--90}, ISSN = {0003-6072}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1007/s10482-018-1147-0}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075179}, }