@article{fdi:010075110, title = {{M}orphology-based functional groups as the best tool to characterize shallow lake-dwelling phytoplankton on an {A}mazonian floodplain}, author = {{L}obo, {M}tmps and {N}ogueira, {I}. {D}. and {S}garbi, {L}. {F}. and {K}raus, {C}. {N}. and {B}omfim, {E}. {D}. and {G}arnier, {J}. and {M}arques, {D}. {D}. and {B}onnet, {M}arie-{P}aule}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{R}iver floodplains are subject to different inundation scenarios, mainly related to the flood pulse. {M}oreover, the ecology of floodplain lakes is modulated by exchanges of water with the main stream. {O}n {A}mazonian flood plains, the water level fluctuates seasonally, with four distinct stages during the year: rising, high, falling, and low water. {T}his study evaluated how/which three functional approaches to phytoplankton ({FG}, functional groups; {MFG}, morphofunctional groups; and {MBFG}, morphology-based functional groups) showed the largest relation to the environmental variations in response to rising and falling water periods, using data of the seven lakes sampled during rising and falling water periods, on the {C}uruai {F}loodplain system, {P}ara state, {B}razil. {W}e used a {P}rincipal {C}oordinates {A}nalysis to check for differences in phytoplankton species composition between the rising and falling water periods and a {R}edundancy {A}nalysis to evaluate the relationship between functional approaches and environmental. {E}lectrical conductivity, silica, and p{H} were the most important environmental variables to structuring the phytoplankton. {T}he biological dissimilarity was computed using {B}ray-{C}urtis index for species biovolume and indicated greater similarity among the species compositions in the lakes during the falling water period. {D}uring rising water species is adapted in almost all lentic ecosystems ({FG} {Y}) and autotrophic organisms typical from the meroplanktonic that can be found in phytoplankton samples of the shallow lakes ({FG} {MP}); cryptomonads ({MFG} 2d), large centrics ({MFG} 6a), and large pennates ({MFG} 6b); and non flagellated organisms with siliceous exoskeletons ({MBFG} {VI}) and unicellular flagellates of medium to large size ({MBFG} {V}) were predominant. {D}uring falling water, species that tolerate eutrophic to hypertrophic environments with low nitrogen content predominated all shallow lakes ({FG}s {H}1 and {M}; {MFG}s 5e and 5b; and {MBFG}s {III} and {VII}) and {D}olichospermum spp. formed blooms. {M}orphology-based functional groups were the larger relation with the environmental variations than did functional groups and morphofunctional groups. {MBFG}s provides a relatively simple and objective classification and were the best in characterizing phytoplankton dynamics on the {C}uruai floodplain. {T}herefore, we recommend using these groups to study phytoplankton ecology in shallow floodplain lakes.}, keywords = {{P}hytoplankton ecology ; {F}unctional classifications ; {E}utrophication ; {H}ydrological periods ; {D}olichospermum spp. ; {BRESIL} ; {AMAZONE} {BASSIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}cological {I}ndicators}, volume = {95}, numero = {1}, pages = {579--588}, ISSN = {1470-160{X}}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.07.038}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075110}, }