@article{fdi:010074920, title = {{DEET} efficacy increases with age in the vector mosquitoes {A}nopheles gambiae s.s. and {A}edes albopictus ({D}iptera : {C}ulicidae)}, author = {{M}ulatier, {M}argaux and {P}orciani, {A}ng{\'e}lique and {N}adalin, {L}. and {A}lou, {L}. {P}. {A}. and {C}handre, {F}abrice and {P}ennetier, {C}{\'e}dric and {D}ormont, {L}. and {C}ohuet, {A}nna}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}ld mosquitoes are the most likely to transmit pathogens due to the higher probability that they will be exposed to pathogens, and the time required before a mosquito becomes infectious, the extrinsic incubation period ({EIP}). {H}owever, old mosquitoes are rarely considered in the evaluation of control tools. {T}his study evaluated the effect of mosquito aging on the repellent efficacy of {N},{N}-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide ({DEET}) in two vector mosquitoes, {A}nopheles gambiae s.s. ({G}iles) ({D}iptera: {C}ulicidae) and {A}edes albopictus ({S}kuse) ({D}iptera: {C}ulicidae), respective vectors of malaria parasites and arboviruses such as dengue, chikungunya, and {Z}ika viruses. {F}or both mosquito species, {DEET}-induced inhibition of blood-feeding was assessed in three age classes. {L}ife-history traits related to mosquito fecundity and survival following {DEET} exposure were also measured. {R}esults showed that, in both species, bloodmeal inhibition induced by {DEET} was significantly higher in old females (>18 d old) than in younger ones (< 13 d old). {L}ife history traits recording showed no combined effects of {DEET} and aging on mosquito blood engorgement, oviposition rate, number of eggs laid nor survival; however, age effects are reported for all these traits. {T}hese results highlight the need for taking into account mosquito age in the evaluation of integrated mosquito management tools. {T}hey also suggest that the control of vector-borne pathogens with a long {EIP} could be improved by targeting old mosquitoes and supports the efficacy of repellents in the fight against mosquito-borne diseases.}, keywords = {vector ; mosquito ; aging ; {DEET} ; repellency}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {M}edical {E}ntomology}, volume = {55}, numero = {6}, pages = {1542--1548}, ISSN = {0022-2585}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1093/jme/tjy134}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074920}, }