@article{fdi:010074910, title = {{N}arco-satanisation et corps en morceaux au {M}exique. {L}a {S}anta {M}uerte/{Y}emayĆ” au coeur de la guerre des images = {N}arco-satanization and bodies in pieces in {M}exico. {S}anta {M}uerte/{Y}emaya at the heart of the war images}, author = {{A}rgyriadis, {K}ali}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{W}hile {M}exican society is undergoing the resurgence of violence attributed to the drug-trafficking narcos, the devotion to {S}anta {M}uerte, suspected of fomenting ritual crimes and accused of "narcosatanism" is also being virulently attacked in media campaigns. {A}t the same time, the {C}atholic {C}hurch, brandishing the specter of a return to pre-{H}ispanic human sacrifices, has authorized collective public exorcisms while many intellectuals are making the {S}anta {M}uerte into a working class symbol of resistance against corruption, crisis, abuse of state power and impunity. {B}ased on an ethnographic survey conducted in the port of {V}eracruz, where the {S}anta {M}uerte has a double incarnate inspired by the oricha {Y}emaya, this article attempts to analyze the dialectic of violence and the symbolic counter-violence which are played out through this devotion in a banal show of one-upmanship by exhibiting bodies (mutilated bodies, possessed bodies, tattooed bodies, transvestites, and skeletons that come alive in the flesh) in public. {T}his article also investigates the risk, for the researcher, of being caught up in, and thus part of, the ideological debates that saturate this field and contribute today to the criminalization of the most disadvantaged in society.}, keywords = {{M}exico ; {V}eracruz ; {Y}emaya ; {S}anta {M}uerte ; exorcism ; charismatic revival ; ritual crimes ; {MEXIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}ahiers d'{E}tudes {A}fricaines}, numero = {231}, pages = {817--851}, ISSN = {0008-0055}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.4000/etudesafricaines.22598}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074910}, }