@article{fdi:010074897, title = {{S}pecies diversity and molecular phylogeny of non-geniculate coralline algae ({C}orallinophycidae, {R}hodophyta) from {T}aoyuan algal reefs in northern {T}aiwan, including {C}rustaphytum gen. nov. and three new species}, author = {{L}iu, {L}. {C}. and {L}in, {S}. {M}. and {C}aragnano, {A}nnalisa and {P}ayri, {C}laude}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n {T}aiwan the algal reefs in {T}aoyuan {C}ounty are the largest, composed of recent and fossil non-geniculate coralline algae. {H}owever, their diversity and phylogenetics in the region have never been documented. {I}n this study, we analyzed the phylogenetic relationships of the non-geniculate coralline algae species collected from {T}aoyuan algal reefs and related non-geniculate species from other places in {T}aiwan and around the world based on psb{A} and {SSU} sequences. {T}he molecular analyses revealed that at least 12 non-geniculate coralline species belonging in six evolutionary clades ({H}arveylithon, {L}ithophyllum, {P}neophyllum, {C}rustaphytum gen. nov., and {P}hymatolithon, {S}porolithon) occur in {T}aoyuan algal reefs. {E}leven of these species do not match any described species and one ({L}ithophyllum margaritae) is a new record for the marine flora of {T}aiwan. {W}e also describe a new genus ({C}rustaphytum gen. nov.) and three new non-geniculate coralline species ({C}rustaphytum pacificum sp. nov., {H}arveylithon rosea sp. nov., and {P}hymatolithon margoundulatus sp. nov.) for the most dominant and commonly seen species revealed by the molecular analyses. {A}mong the latter three species, {P}. margoundulatus is only found in {T}aoyuan {C}ounty and is the most dominant species there, comprising over 30% of the total cover, whereas {C}. pacificum has the widest distribution in the western {P}acific {O}cean ({T}aiwan and {N}ew {C}aledonia). {H}arveylithon rosea is a common species occurring in both algal reefs and rocky shores in the northern {T}aiwan. {T}he other undescribed {CCA} species will be published when more specimens with reproductive structures are collected.}, keywords = {{C}rustaphytum pacificum gen. and sp. nov. ; {H}arveylithon rosea sp. nov. ; {P}hymatolithon margoundulatus sp. nov. ; psb{A} ; {R}ed algae ; {SSU} ; {T}aiwan ; {TAIWAN} ; {PACIFIQUE} ; {CHINE} {MER}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {A}pplied {P}hycology}, volume = {30}, numero = {6}, pages = {3455--3469}, ISSN = {0921-8971}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1007/s10811-018-1620-1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074897}, }