@article{fdi:010074848, title = {{C}retaceous-early {P}aleocene drainage shift of {A}mazonian rivers driven by {E}quatorial {A}tlantic {O}cean opening and {A}ndean uplift as deduced from the provenance of northern {P}eruvian sedimentary rocks ({H}uallaga basin)}, author = {{H}urtado, {C}. and {R}oddaz, {M}artin and {S}antos, {R}. {V}. and {B}aby, {P}atrice and {A}ntoine, {P}. {O}. and {D}antas, {E}. {L}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he northern part of {S}outh {A}merica has undergone several major changes in its tectonic setting since the {T}riassic, evolving from rifting to the development of a retroarc-foreland basin on its {A}ndean margin, leading to margin extension and continental uplift following the breakup between {A}frica and {S}outh {A}merica. {S}o far, it is unclear when and how these geodynamic events affected the paleo-{A}mazonian drainage. {I}n this study, we investigate the provenance of {T}riassic{E}ocene sedimentary rocks deposited in the northern {P}eruvian {A}mazonian basin, based on their {S}r-{N}d isotopic compositions and {U}-{P}b zircon dating. {T}he {T}riassic{J}urassic samples have e{N}d(0) values ranging from -7.9 to -10.0 and main {U}-{P}b zircon peaks at 0.901.3{G}a (3133%) and 0.50.7{G}a (21028%) that suggest a mixed clastic supply from the {W}estern and {E}astern {C}ordillera or craton within a rift to post rift setting. {S}amples from the {A}lbian{M}aastrichtian interval yield much lower e{N}d(0) values (-16.8 to -18.6) and a dominance of zircon grains derived from terranes in the easternmost {B}razilian {S}hield ({V}entuari-{T}apajos (2.01.82{G}a), {R}io {N}egro-{J}urena (1.821.54{G}a) and {R}ondonia {S}an {I}gnacio (1.541.3{G}a), thus indicating a cratonic source for these sedimentary rocks. {F}inally, the early {P}aleocene{E}ocene sedimentary rocks record the first arrival of {A}ndean detritus in the {A}mazonian retroarc foreland, with e{N}d(0) values ranging between -5.6 to -12.0 and up to 16% of the zircon grains yielding ages younger than 120{M}a. {T}ogether with recently published studies, these provenance data document the existence of a long-lived {A}ptian{M}aastrichtian continent-wide cratonic drainage in the northern part of {S}outh {A}merica. {T}his cratonic drainage developed in response to the late {C}retaceous uplift of the northeastern part of the {S}outh {A}merica craton likely driven by geodynamic processes related to post rift opening of the {A}tlantic {E}quatorial {O}cean. {T}he formation of a late {M}aastrichtianearly {P}aleocene mountain chain in the {P}eruvian {A}ndes associated with the onset of provenance from the {A}ndean orogenic belt led to a shift of the {A}mazon drainage pattern. {H}ence, the earliest {A}ndean-{A}mazonian rivers are no younger than late {M}aastrichtian-early {P}aleocene.}, keywords = {{ATLANTIQUE} ; {PEROU} ; {ANDES} ; {AMAZONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}ondwana {R}esearch}, volume = {63}, numero = {}, pages = {152--168}, ISSN = {1342-937{X}}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.gr.2018.05.012}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074848}, }