@article{fdi:010074832, title = {{M}odeling the impact of hypoxia on the energy budget of {A}tlantic cod in two populations of the {G}ulf of {S}aint-{L}awrence, {C}anada}, author = {{L}avaud, {R}. and {T}homas, {Y}oann and {P}ecquerie, {L}aure and {B}enoit, {H}. {P}. and {G}uyondet, {T}. and {F}lye-{S}ainte-{M}arie, {J}. and {C}habot, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{L}ike many marine species around the globe, several stocks of {A}tlantic cod ({G}adus morhua) live in increasingly hypoxic waters. {I}n the {G}ulf of {S}aint {L}awrence ({GSL}) in {C}anada, the deep channels traversing the semi-enclosed sea exhibit year-round hypoxia, identified as one of the limiting factor for the recovery of {GSL} cod in its northern part. {W}hile many individuals in the northern {GSL} are known to venture in deeper, warmer, and more hypoxic waters of the {G}ulf channels, those in the southern {GSL} live in a shallower, colder, and more oxygenated environment. {I}n this study, we use the modeling framework of the {D}ynamic {E}nergy {B}udget ({DEB}) theory to disentangle the effects of hypoxia, temperature and food on the life-history traits of these two populations of cod in the {GSL}. {F}ollowing recent advances by {T}homas et al. (2018, this issue) on the mechanisms for the effects of hypoxia within the context of {DEB} theory, we implemented a correction of ingestion depending on dissolved oxygen ({DO}) saturation. {W}e successfully developed and validated a set of parameters for a {GSL} {A}tlantic cod {DEB} model. {U}sing simulations of historical growth trajectories from 1990 until 2004 estimated from data collected through fisheries research surveys, we found that temperature explained about half (48%) of the difference in length and 59% of the difference in mass between the two populations. {T}he remaining proportion was attributed to exposure to hypoxia and food input. {W}e also used our model to explore scenarios of duration, frequency, and intensity of hypoxia on cod's life-history traits, which showed that decreasing {DO} linearly reduces growth and reproduction while young cod seem to avoid impairing conditions resulting in limiting effects on developmental stages.}, keywords = {{H}ypoxia ; {D}ynamic energy budget ; {A}tlantic cod ; {G}rowth {T}emperature ; {G}ulf of {S}aint-{L}awrence ; {CANADA} ; {ATLANTIQUE} ; {SAINT} {LAURENT} {GOLFE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {S}ea {R}esearch}, volume = {143}, numero = {{S}pecial {I}ssue}, pages = {243--253}, ISSN = {1385-1101}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1016/j.seares.2018.07.001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074832}, }