@article{fdi:010074831, title = {{N}ew insights into the reproductive cycle of two {G}reat {S}callop populations in {B}rittany ({F}rance) using a {DEB} modelling approach}, author = {{G}ourault, {M}. and {L}avaud, {R}. and {L}eynaert, {A}. and {P}ecquerie, {L}aure and {P}aulet, {Y}. {M}. and {P}ouvreau, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he present study aimed to improve understanding of the environmental conditions influencing the reproductive cycle of the great scallop {P}ecten maximus in two locations in {B}rittany ({F}rance). {W}e also evaluated potential consequences of future climate change for reproductive success in each site. {W}e simulated reproductive traits (spawning occurrences and synchronicity among individuals) of {P}. maximus, using an existing {D}ynamic {E}nergy {B}udget ({DEB}) model. {T}o validate and test the model, we used biological and environmental datasets available for the {B}ay of {B}rest ({W}est {B}rittany, {F}rance) between 1998 and 2003. {W}e also applied the scallop {DEB} model in the {B}ay of {S}aint-{B}rieuc ({N}orth {B}rittany, {F}rance) for the same period (1998-2003) to compare the reproductive cycle in different environmental conditions. {I}n order to accurately model the {P}. maximus reproductive cycle we improved the scallop {DEB} model in two ways: through (1) energy acquisition, by incorporating microphytobenthos as a new food source; and (2) the reproductive process, by adding a new state variable dedicated to the gamete production. {F}inally, we explored the effects of two contrasting {IPCC} climate scenarios ({RCP}2.6 and {RCP}8.5) on the reproductive cycle of {P}. maximus in these two areas at the 2100 horizon. {I}n the {B}ay of {B}rest, the simulated reproductive cycle was in agreement with field observations. {T}he model reproduced three main spawning events every year (between {M}ay and {S}eptember) and asynchronicity in the timing of spawning between individuals. {I}n the {B}ay of {S}aint-{B}rieuc, only two summer spawning events (in {J}uly and {A}ugust) were simulated, with a higher synchronicity between individuals. {E}nvironmental conditions (temperature and food sources) were sufficient to explain this well-known geographic difference in the reproductive strategy of {P}. maximus. {R}egarding the forecasting approach, the model showed that, under a warm scenario ({RCP}8.5), autumnal spawning would be enhanced at the 2100 horizon with an increase of seawater temperature in the {B}ay of {B}rest, whatever the food source conditions. {I}n the {B}ay of {S}aint-{B}rieuc, warmer temperatures may impact reproductive phenology through an earlier onset of spawning by 20 to 44 days depending on the year.}, keywords = {{P}ecten maximus ; {DEB} theory ; reproduction cycle ; {IPCC} scenarios ; {B}ay of {B}rest ; {B}ay of {S}aint-{B}rieuc ; {FRANCE} ; {BRETAGNE} ; {ATLANTIQUE} ; {BREST} {BAIE} ; {SAINT} {BRIEUC} {BAIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {S}ea {R}esearch}, volume = {143}, numero = {{S}pecial {I}ssue}, pages = {207--221}, ISSN = {1385-1101}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1016/j.seares.2018.09.020}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074831}, }