@article{fdi:010074794, title = {{N}ew {P}-{T}-{X} conditions for the formation of gem tsavorite garnet in the {V}oi area (southwestern {K}enya)}, author = {{J}acob, {J}. {B}. and {M}artelat, {J}. {E}. and {G}oncalves, {P}. and {G}iuliani, {G}aston and {D}evidal, {J}. {L}. and {F}eneyrol, {J}. and {O}mito, {E}. and {I}chang'{I}, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}savorite nodules-bearing deposits from southwestern {K}enya are located in the {K}urase {G}roup, a metasedimentary unit of the {N}eoproterozoic {M}etamorphic {M}ozambique {B}elt. {T}his unit is composed of graphitic paragneisses intercalated with metacarbonates and metaevaporites, surrounded by migmatites. {T}he rocks underwent high grade metamorphism at 615-600 {M}a. {T}he main goal of this work is to link tsavorite formation to the metamorphic evolution of the {K}urase {G}roup. {T}he new thermobarometric data indicate widespread granulite facies conditions at 800 +/- 50 degrees {C} and 10 +/- 1 kbar, with no significant difference between the tsavorite-bearing metasediments and the surrounding migmatitic gneisses. {P}seudosection calculation for a tsavorite-bearing metasediment indicates that tsavorite grew close to peak-{T} conditions at around 800 degrees {C}. {T}he tsavoritebearing formations have not melted extensively despite the high-grade metamorphism, in contrast with the surrounding migmatites. {T}he lack of partial melting is probably due to an enrichment in vanadium, chromium and titanium in the protoliths that have increased the stability field of micas toward high-{T}. {W}e suggest that the primary source of {V} and {C}r was the evaporite-bearing mudstones. {C}rystallisation of high grade {V} and {C}r rich tsavorite occurred in a closed system with little or no strain, in the presence of molten salts and {H}2{S}-{S}-8 fluids.}, keywords = {{K}enya ; {M}ozambican belt ; {K}urase group ; {T}savorite garnet ; {G}ranulite facies ; metamorphism ; {P}etrological modelling ; {KENYA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{L}ithos}, volume = {320}, numero = {}, pages = {250--264}, ISSN = {0024-4937}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.lithos.2018.09.010}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074794}, }