@article{fdi:010074515, title = {{L}itterfall, litter decomposition, soil macrofauna, and nutrient content in rubber monoculture and rubber-based agroforestry plantations}, author = {{T}ongkaemkaew, {U}. and {S}ukkul, {J}. and {S}umkhan, {N}. and {P}anklang, {P}. and {B}rauman, {A}lain and {I}smail, {R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his study is a comparison of the litterfall, litter decomposition, soil macrofauna, and nutrient contents in rubber monoculture and rubber-based agroforestry plantations. {T}he three intra-couple differences examined are rubber with pakliang ({RP}) compared with rubber monoculture ({RMP}), rubber with timber ({RT}) compared with rubber monoculture ({RMT}) and rubber with fruit ({RF}) compared with rubber monoculture ({RMF}). {R}ubber plantation systems were selected at 3 plantations located in nearest pairs at 18 plantations in total. {D}ata collected included litterfall at monthly intervals from {O}ctober 2016 to {A}pril 2017, as well as decomposition conditions for assessment at the end of the experimental trials. {S}oil samples examined the species and number of macrofaunal and decomposition measurements of mesofauna by using {L}amina bait scale to analyze nutrient content. {R}esults showed the litterfall of leaves, twinges, and fruits in rubber monoculture and rubber-based agroforestry plantations were not significant between pair comparisons. {T}his showed leaves fell at a high incidence. {H}owever, {RT} experienced a higher trend in litterfall. {D}ecomposing litterfall was also not significant between pair comparisons, but when compared by associated plant species found that {RT} trends were more likely to experience higher decomposition rates and the litter index was higher as well. {M}acrofauna in the topsoil (0-5 cm) and subsoil (5-10 cm) were not significant. {T}he composition of nnesofauna was found at high decomposition rates in {RF}, {RP}, and {RT}. {O}rganic matter and nutrient contents were not significant in both soil layers. {O}ur data emphasizes that rubber-based agroforestry plantations help regulate {C} and nutrient cycles, implying that external input fertilizer management requirements for rubber farmers decreased.}, keywords = {litter index ; mesofauna ; nutrient content ; organic matter ; associated ; plant species ; {THAILANDE}}, booktitle = {{S}pecial {S}ection : {A}grarian transformation in {T}hailand : commodities, landscapes, and livelihoods}, journal = {{FS}-{F}orest and {S}ociety}, volume = {2}, numero = {2}, pages = {138--149}, ISSN = {2549-4724}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.24259/fs.v2i2.4431}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074515}, }