@article{fdi:010074499, title = {{E}pidemiology of onchocerciasis-associated epilepsy in the {M}bam and {S}anaga river valleys of {C}ameroon : impact of more than 13 years of ivermectin}, author = {{F}odjo, {J}. {N}. {S}. and {T}atah, {G}. and {T}abah, {E}. {N}. and {N}garka, {L}. and {N}for, {L}. {N}. and {C}hokote, {S}. {E}. and {M}engnjo, {M}. {K}. and {D}ema, {F}. and {S}itouok, {A}. {T}. and {N}koro, {G}. and {N}tone, {F}. {E}. and {B}issek, {A}czk and {C}hesnais, {C}{\'e}dric and {B}oussinesq, {M}ichel and {C}olebunders, {R}. and {N}jamnshi, {A}. {K}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground{A} high epilepsy prevalence has been reported in several onchocerciasis-endemic villages along the {M}bam and {S}anaga river valleys in {C}ameroon, including {B}ilomo and {K}elleng. {W}e sought to determine the prevalence of epilepsy in these two villages following more than 13years of community-directed treatment with ivermectin ({CDTI}).{M}ethods{D}oor-to-door surveys were performed on the entire resident population in the villages in {A}ugust 2017 and {J}anuary 2018. {E}pilepsy was diagnosed using a 2-step approach: administration of a standardized 5-item questionnaire followed by confirmation by a neurologist. {P}reviously published diagnostic criteria for onchocerciasis-associated epilepsy ({OAE}) were used. {O}v16 serology was done for children aged 7-10years to assess onchocerciasis transmission. {F}indings were compared with previous data from these two villages.{R}esults{A} total of 1525 individuals (1321 in {B}ilomo and 204 in {K}elleng) in 233 households were surveyed in both villages. {T}he crude prevalence of epilepsy was 4.6% in {B}ilomo (2017) and 7.8% in {K}elleng (2018), including 12 (15.6% of cases) persons with epilepsy ({PWE}) with nodding seizures. {T}he age and sex-standardized prevalence in {K}elleng decreased from 13.5% in 2004 to 9.3% in 2018 ({P}<0.001). {T}he median age of {PWE} shifted from 17 ({IQR}: 12-22) years to 24 ({IQR}: 20-30) years in {B}ilomo ({P}<0.001); and slightly from 24 ({IQR}: 14-34) years to 28 ({IQR}: 21.25-36.75) years in {K}elleng ({P}=0.112). {F}urthermore, 47.6% of all tested children between 7 and 10years had {O}v16 antibodies.{C}onclusions{T}here is a decrease in epilepsy prevalence after 13years and more of {CDTI} in both villages. {T}he age-shift observed in {PWE} suggests that ivermectin may prevent {OAE} in younger residents. {O}v16 seropositivity in children indicates ongoing onchocerciasis transmission possibly due to suboptimal control measures. {O}ur findings support the existence of {OAE} in {C}ameroon and highlight the need to strengthen onchocerciasis elimination programs.}, keywords = {{O}nchocerciasis ; {E}pilepsy ; {N}odding syndrome ; {O}v16 rapid diagnostic test ; {I}vermectin ; {C}ameroon ; {CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nfectious {D}iseases of {P}overty}, volume = {7}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 114 [11 ]}, ISSN = {2095-5162}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1186/s40249-018-0497-1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074499}, }