@article{fdi:010074455, title = {{N}ew {WGS} data and annotation of the heterosomal vs. autosomal localization of {O}strinia scapulalis ({L}epidoptera, {C}rambidae) nuclear genomic scaffolds}, author = {{B}rousseau, {L}ouise and {N}idelet, {S}. and {S}treiff, {R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{H}ere, we introduce new whole-genome shotgun sequencing and annotation data describing the autosomal vs. {Z}-heterosomal localization of nuclear genomic scaffolds of the moth species {O}strinia scapulalis. {F}our {WGS} libraries (corresponding to 2 males and 2 females) were sequenced with an {I}llumina {H}i{S}eq2500 sequencing technology, and the so-called '{AD}-ratio' method was applied to distinguish between autosomal and {Z}-heterosomal scaffolds based on sequencing depth comparisons between homogametic (male) and heterogametic (female) libraries. {A} total of 25,760 scaffolds (corresponding to 341.69 {M}b) were labelled as autosomal and 1273 scaffolds (15.29 {M}b) were labelled as {Z}-heterosomal, totaling about 357 {M}b. {B}esides, 4874 scaffolds (29.07 {M}b) remain ambiguous because of a lack of {AD}-ratio reproducibility between the two replicates. {T}he annotation method was evaluated a posteriori, by comparing depth-based annotation with the exact localization of known genes. {R}aw genomic data have been deposited and made accessible via the {EMBL} {ENA} {B}io{P}roject id {PRJEB}26557. {C}omprehensive annotation is made accessible via the {L}epido{DB} database (}, keywords = {{O}strinia scapulalis ; {G}enome ; {NGS} ; {H}i{S}eq2500 ; {D}epth analysis ; {AD}-ratio ; {S}tructural annotation ; {S}ex-chromosome ; {Z}-heterosome ; {A}utosomes}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{D}ata in {B}rief}, volume = {20}, numero = {}, pages = {644--648}, ISSN = {2352-3409}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.dib.2018.08.011}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074455}, }