@article{fdi:010074451, title = {{P}atients n{\'e}glig{\'e}s, effets impr{\'e}vus : l’exp{\'e}rience des cas suspects de maladie {\`a} virus {E}bola}, author = {{D}esclaux, {A}lice and {M}alan, {M}. {S}. and {E}grot, {M}arc and {A}kindes, {F}. and {S}ow, {K}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{I}ntroduction: {I}n an epidemic context, the identification of suspected cases, among alert or contact cases, leads to caring for persons for whom only a minority will be confirmed cases, with a laboratory diagnosis positive for {E}bola. {H}ow are suspected cases treated that are not subsequently confirmed and how do they feel about this experience? {W}hat are the medical or social consequences? {M}ethods: {A} qualitative study was conducted in two countries with a high {E}bola risk epidemic situation in 2015-2016 ({S}enegal, {C}ote d'lvoire). {B}ased on interviews with suspected cases and caregivers, 12 referral itineraries were identified for 20 people. {R}esults: {N}arratives are dominated by the perception of failures at several levels: insufficient means and service preparation; lack of care for patients' vital needs and lack of treatment for their diseases; lack of listening, explanation and consideration for their families patients' suffering from being isolated and facing violence; unexpected secondary social effects. {T}hese findings can be explained partly by caregivers' focus on {E}bola diagnosis more than patients, fear of contagion, and by the insufficient preparation of isolation spaces at the time of the survey. {C}onclusion: {T}he results show the possible pitfalls of surveillance systems which increase the number of persons identified as suspected cases, if care services are not sufficiently prepared. {R}ecommendations based on these results should be considered particularly to define operational procedures and trainings for health professionals.}, keywords = {{E}bola ; {P}reparedness ; {S}uspected cases ; {A}frica ; {S}urveillance ; {E}thics ; {SENEGAL} ; {COTE} {D}'{IVOIRE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}ant{\'e} {P}ublique}, volume = {30}, numero = {4}, pages = {565--574}, ISSN = {0995-3914}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.3917/spub.185.0565}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074451}, }