@article{fdi:010074419, title = {{B}enefits of the successive {GPM} based satellite precipitation estimates {IMERG}-{V}03,-{V}04,-{V}05 and {GSM}a{P}-{V}06,-{V}07 over diverse geomorphic and meteorological regions of {P}akistan}, author = {{S}atg{\'e}, {F}. and {H}ussain, {Y}. and {B}onnet, {M}arie-{P}aule and {H}ussain, {B}. {M}. and {M}artinez-{C}arvajal, {H}. and {A}khter, {G}. and {U}agoda, {R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{L}aunched in 2014, the {G}lobal {P}recipitation {M}easurement ({GPM}) mission aimed at ensuring the continuity with the {T}ropical {R}ainfall {M}easuring {M}ission ({TRMM}) launched in 1997 that has provided unprecedented accuracy in {S}atellite {P}recipitation {E}stimates ({SPE}s) on the near-global scale. {S}ince then, various {SPE} versions have been successively made available from the {GPM} mission. {T}he present study assesses the potential benefits of the successive {GPM} based {SPE}s product versions that include the {I}ntegrated {M}ulti-{S}atellite {R}etrievals for {GPM} ({IMERG}) version 3 to 5 (-v03, -v04, -v05) and the {G}lobal {S}atellite {M}apping of {P}recipitation ({GSM}a{P}) version 6 to 7 (-v06, -v07). {A}dditionally, the most effective {TRMM} based {SPE}s products are also considered to provide a first insight into the {GPM} effectiveness in ensuring {TRMM} continuity. {T}he analysis is conducted over different geomorphic and meteorological regions of {P}akistan while using 88 precipitations gauges as the reference. {R}esults show a clear enhancement in precipitation estimates that were derived from the very last {IMERG}-v05 in comparison to its two previous versions {IMERG}-v03 and -v04. {I}nterestingly, based on the considered statistical metrics, {IMERG}-v03 provides more consistent precipitation estimate than {IMERG}-v04, which should be considered as a transition {IMERG} version. {A}s expected, {GSM}a{P}-v07 precipitation estimates are more accurate than the previous {GSM}a{P}-v06. {H}owever, the enhancement from the old to the new version is very low. {M}ore generally, the transition from {TRMM} to {GPM} is successful with an overall better performance of {GPM} based {SPE}s than {TRMM} ones. {F}inally, all of the considered {SPE}s have presented a strong spatial variability in terms of accuracy with none of them outperforming the others, for all of the gauges locations over the considered regions.}, keywords = {{S}atellite {P}recipitation {E}stimates ; {GPM} ; {TRMM} ; {IMERG} ; {GSM}a{P} ; {TMPA} ; {CMORPH} ; assessment ; {P}akistan ; {PAKISTAN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}emote {S}ensing}, volume = {10}, numero = {9}, pages = {art. 1373 [23 ]}, ISSN = {2072-4292}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.3390/rs10091373}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074419}, }