@article{fdi:010074409, title = {{A}ssessment of drug resistance associated genetic diversity in {M}auritanian isolates of {P}lasmodium vivax reveals limited polymorphism}, author = {{D}eida, {J}. {M}. and {K}halef, {Y}. {O}. and {S}emane, {E}. {M}. and {O}uld {A}hmedou {S}alem, {M}. {S} and {B}ogreau, {H}. and {B}asco, {L}eonardo and {O}uld {M}ohamed {S}alem {B}oukhary, {A}. and {T}ahar, {R}achida}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground{P}lasmodium vivax is the predominant malaria species in northern {M}auritania. {M}olecular data on {P}. vivax isolates circulating in {W}est {A}frica are scarce. {T}he present study analysed molecular markers associated with resistance to antifolates ({P}vdhfr and {P}vdhps), chloroquine ({P}vmdr1), and artemisinin ({P}vk12) in {P}. vivax isolates collected in two cities located in the {S}aharan zone of {M}auritania.{M}ethods{B}lood samples were obtained from {P}. vivax-infected patients recruited for chloroquine therapeutic efficacy study in 2013 and febrile patients spontaneously consulting health facilities in {N}ouakchott and {A}tar in 2015-2016. {F}ragments of {P}vdhfr (codons 13, 33, 57, 58, 61, 117, and 174), {P}vdhps (codons 382, 383, 512, 553, and 585), {P}vmdr1 (codons 976 and 1076) and {P}vk12 (codon 552) genes were amplified by {PCR} and sequenced.{R}esults{M}ost of the isolates in {N}ouakchott (126/154, 81.8%) and {A}tar (44/45, 97.8%) carried the wild-type {P}vdhfr allelic variant ({IPFSTSI}). {I}n {N}ouakchott, all mutants (28/154; 18.2%) had double {P}vdhfr mutations in positions 58 and 61 (allelic variant {IPFRMSI}), whereas in {A}tar only 1 isolate was mutant ({S}117{N}, allelic variant {IPFSTNI}). {T}he wild-type {P}vdhps allelic variant ({SAKAV}) was found in all tested isolates ({N}ouakchott, n=93; {A}tar, n=37). {F}ew isolates in {N}ouakchott (5/115, 4.3%) and {A}tar (3/79, 3.8%) had the mutant {P}vmdr1 allele 976{F} or 1076{L}, but not both, including in pre-treatment isolates obtained from patients treated successfully with chloroquine. {A}ll isolates (59 in {N}ouakchott and 48 in {A}tar) carried the wild-type {V}552 allele in {P}vk12.{C}onclusions{P}olymorphisms in {P}vdhfr, {P}vdhps, {P}vmdr1, and {P}vk12 were limited in {P}. vivax isolates collected recently in {N}ouakchott and {A}tar. {C}ompared to the isolates collected in {N}ouakchott in 2007-2009, there was no evidence for selection of mutants. {T}he presence of one, but not both, of the two potential markers of chloroquine resistance in {P}vmdr1 in pre-treatment isolates did not influence the clinical outcome, putting into question the role of {P}vmdr1 mutant alleles 976{F} and 1076{L} in treatment failure. {M}olecular surveillance is an important component of {P}. vivax malaria control programme in the {S}aharan zone of {M}auritania to predict possible emergence of drug-resistant parasites.}, keywords = {{M}alaria ; {S}ahara ; {D}rug resistance ; {C}hloroquine ; {S}ulfadoxine-pyrimethamine ; {A}rtemisinin ; {MAURITANIE} ; {SAHARA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}alaria {J}ournal}, volume = {17}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 416 [7 p.]}, ISSN = {1475-2875}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1186/s12936-018-2548-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074409}, }