@article{fdi:010074371, title = {{P}re-analytical factors influence accuracy of urine spot iodine assessment in epidemiological surveys}, author = {{D}oggui, {R}. and {E}l {A}ti-{H}ellal, {M}. and {T}raissac, {P}ierre and {E}l {A}ti, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{U}rinary iodine concentration ({UIC}) is commonly used to assess iodine status of subjects in epidemiological surveys. {A}s pre-analytical factors are an important source of measurement error and studies about this phase are scarce, our objective was to assess the influence of urine sampling conditions on {UIC}, i.e., whether the child ate breakfast or not, urine void rank of the day, and time span between last meal and urine collection. {A} nationwide, two-stage, stratified, cross-sectional study including 1560 children (6-12years) was performed in 2012. {UIC} was determined by the {S}andell-{K}olthoff method. {P}re-analytical factors were assessed from children's mothers by using a questionnaire. {A}ssociation between iodine status and pre-analytical factors were adjusted for one another and socio-economic characteristics by multivariate linear and multinomial regression models ({RPR}: relative prevalence ratios). {S}kipping breakfast prior to morning urine sampling decreased {UIC} by 40 to 50g/{L} and the proportion of {UIC}<100g/{L} was higher among children having those skipped breakfast ({RPR}=3.2[1.0-10.4]). {I}n unadjusted analyses, {UIC} was less among children sampled more than 5h from their last meal. {UIC} decreased with rank of urine void (e.g., first vs. second, {P}<0.001); also, the proportion of {UIC}<100g/{L} was greater among 4th rank samples (vs. second {RPR}=2.1[1.1-4.0]). {S}ubjects' breakfast status and urine void rank should be accounted for when assessing iodine status. {P}roviding recommendations to standardize pre-analytical factors is a key step toward improving accuracy and comparability of survey results for assessing iodine status from spot urine samples. {T}hese recommendations have to be evaluated by future research.}, keywords = {{U}rinary iodine ; {P}re-analytical step ; {E}pidemiological survey ; {I}odine deficiency ; {B}reakfast ; {U}rine void rank ; {TUNISIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iological {T}race {E}lement {R}esearch}, volume = {186}, numero = {2}, pages = {337--345}, ISSN = {0163-4984}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1007/s12011-018-1317-y}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074371}, }