@article{fdi:010074359, title = {{B}ranched-chain amino acid database integrated in {MEDIPAD} software as a tool for nutritional investigation of {M}editerranean populations}, author = {{H}aydar, {S}. and {P}aillot, {T}. and {F}agot, {C}. and {C}ogne, {Y}. and {F}ountas, {A}. and {T}utuncu, {Y}. and {V}intila, {M}. and {T}satsoulis, {A}. and {C}hi, {P}. {T}. and {G}arandeau, {P}. and {C}hetea, {D}. and {B}adiu, {C}. and {G}heorghiu, {M}. and {Y}lli, {D}. and {L}autier, {C}. and {J}arec, {M}. and {M}onnier, {L}. and {N}ormand, {C}. and {S}arac, {J}. and {B}arakat, {A}. and {M}issoni, {S}. and {P}ugeat, {M}. and {P}oucheret, {P}. and {H}anzu, {F}. and {G}omis, {R}. and {M}acias, {J}. {M}. and {L}itvinov, {S}. and {K}husnutdinova, {E}. and {P}oiana, {C}. and {P}asquali, {R}. and {L}auro, {D}. and {S}esti, {G}. and {T}rischitta, {V}. and {A}bdelhak, {S}. and {Z}enati, {A}. and {Y}lli, {A}. and {S}atman, {I}. and {K}anninen, {T}. and {R}inato, {Y}. and {G}rigorescu, {F}lorin}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ranched-chained amino acids ({BCAA}) are essential dietary components for humans and can act as potential biomarkers for diabetes development. {T}o efficiently estimate dietary intake, we developed a {BCAA} database for 1331 food items found in the {F}rench {C}entre d'{I}nformation sur la {Q}ualite des {A}liments ({CIQUAL}) food table by compiling {BCAA} content from international tables, published measurements, or by food similarity as well as by calculating 267 items from {G}reek, {T}urkish, {R}omanian, and {M}oroccan mixed dishes. {T}he database embedded in {MEDIPAD} software capable of registering 24 h of dietary recalls (24{HDR}) with clinical and genetic data was evaluated based on archived 24{HDR} of the {S}aint {P}ierre {I}nstitute ({F}rance) from 2957 subjects, which indicated a {BCAA} content up to 4.2 g/100 g of food and differences among normal weight and obese subjects across {BCAA} quartiles. {W}e also evaluated the database of 119 interviews of {R}omanians, {T}urkish and {A}lbanians in {G}reece (27-65 years) during the {MEDIGENE} program, which indicated mean {BCAA} intake of 13.84 and 12.91 g/day in males and females, respectively, comparable to other studies. {T}he {MEDIPAD} is user-friendly, multilingual, and secure software and with the {BCAA} database is suitable for conducting nutritional assessment in the {M}editerranean area with particular facilities for food administration.}, keywords = {{BCAA} ; 24-h dietary recall ; computer technology ; nutrition ; dietary ; assessment ; insulin resistance ; {M}editerranean ; web-based recalls ; metabolic syndrome ; {FRANCE} ; {GRECE} ; {TURQUIE} ; {ROUMANIE} ; {ZONE} {MEDITERRANEENNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{N}utrients}, volume = {10}, numero = {10}, pages = {art. 1392 [17 p.]}, ISSN = {2072-6643}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.3390/nu10101392}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074359}, }