@article{fdi:010074321, title = {{E}ffectiveness of a locally produced, fish-based food product on weight gain among {C}ambodian children in the treatment of acute malnutrition : a randomized controlled trial}, author = {{S}igh, {S}. and {R}oos, {N}. and {C}hamnan, {C}. and {L}aillou, {A}. and {P}rak, {S}. and {W}ieringa, {F}ranck}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}ambodia continues to have a high prevalence of acute malnutrition. {L}ow acceptability has been found for standard ready-to-use-therapeutic-food ({RUTF}) products. {T}herefore, {N}um{T}rey, a locally-produced fish-based {RUTF}, was developed. {T}he objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of {N}um{T}rey compared to an imported milk-based {RUTF} for weight gain among children aged 6-59 months in the home-treatment for acute malnutrition. {E}ffectiveness was tested in a single-blinded randomized controlled trial with weight gain as the primary outcome. {A}nthropometry was assessed at baseline and bi-weekly follow-ups until endline at {W}eek 8. {I}n total, 121 patients were randomized into {BP}-100({TM}) (n = 61) or {N}um{T}rey (n = 60). {T}here was no statistical difference in mean weight gain between the groups (1.06 g/kg/day; 95% {CI} (0.72, 1.41) and 1.08 g/kg/day; 95% {CI} (0.75, 1.41) for {BP}-100 and {N}um{T}rey, respectively). {I}n addition, no statistically significant differences in secondary outcomes were found. {A}lthough the ability to draw conclusions was limited by lower weight gain than the desired 4 g/kg/day in both groups, no superiority was found for either{RUTF}. {A} locally produced {RUTF} is highly relevant to improve nutrition interventions in {C}ambodia. {A} locally produced fish-based {RUTF} is a relevant alternative to imported milk-based {RUTF} for the treatment of {SAM} in {C}ambodia.}, keywords = {severe acute malnutrition ; fish ; ready-to-use therapeutic foods ; effectiveness ; weight gain ; {C}ambodia ; {CAMBODGE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{N}utrients}, volume = {10}, numero = {7}, pages = {art. 909 [17 p.]}, ISSN = {2072-6643}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.3390/nu10070909}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074321}, }