@article{fdi:010073921, title = {{H}orizontal distribution of dominant pelagic fish eggs in {W}est {A}frican waters}, author = {{B}adji, {L}.{B}. and {T}iedemann, {M}. and {F}ock, {H}.{O}. and {N}diaye, {P}. and {J}ouffre, {D}idier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}arly life stages of dominant {W}est {A}frican pelagic fishes, most of which are commercially important, are rarely studied especially in {S}enegalese and {M}auritanian coastal waters. {T}he aim of the present study was to examine the horizontal distribution of pelagic fish eggs of {E}uropean sardine ({S}ardina pilchardus), anchovy ({E}ngraulis encrasicolus), round sardinella ({S}ardinella aurita) and horse mackerel ({T}rachurus trachurus) in winter-spring and summer. {T}he two seasons revealed two contrasting environmental conditions. {W}hile in late winter strong upwelling shaped the environmental conditions, in summer a warm tropical influx of surface water from {S}enegal towards {M}auritania was observed. {F}ish eggs occurred in both seasons along the shelf coasts of {M}auritania and {S}enegal. {T}he distribution of fish eggs was related to temperature, salinity and chlorophyll data obtained at each sampling position. {E}ggs of most species were concentrated in coastal waters off the {B}anc d'{A}rguin, in {S}aint-{L}ouis and along the {S}enegalese sub-region. {S}pawning occurs mainly during winter and would be linked to environmental changes in particular temperature that significantly vary eggs distribution as notified with {S}ardina pilchardus and {S}ardinella aurita during late winter. {M}oreover, results have shown a significant role of other habitat factors such as chlorophyll, depth and also the continental shelf-break, as a mechanism of retention of fish eggs.}, keywords = {{POISSON} {MARIN} ; {CYCLE} {DE} {REPRODUCTION} ; {OEUF} ; {ABONDANCE} ; {UPWELLING} ; {COURANT} {MARIN} ; {RELATION} {ESPECE} {ENVIRONNEMENT} ; {SENEGAL} ; {MAURITANIE} ; {ATLANTIQUE} ; {CANARIES} {COURANT} {MARIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {F}isheries and {A}quatic {S}tudies}, volume = {5}, numero = {6 part {E}}, pages = {340--348}, ISSN = {2394-0506}, year = {2017}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073921}, }