@article{fdi:010073919, title = {{S}uicide risk in a representative sample of people receiving {HIV} care : time to target most-at-risk populations ({ANRS} {VESPA}2 {F}rench national survey)}, author = {{C}arrieri, {M}.{P}. and {M}arcellin, {F}. and {F}ressard, {L}. and {P}r{\'e}au, {M}. and {S}agaon {T}eyssier, {L}uis and {S}uzan-{M}onti, {V}. and {G}uagliardo, {V}. and {M}ora, {M}. and {R}oux, {P}. and {D}ray-{S}pira, {R}. and {S}pire, {B}. and {ANRS}-{VESPA}2 {S}tudy {G}roup}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {S}uicide risk is high among people living with {HIV} ({PLHIV}). {T}his study aimed to identify major correlates of suicide risk in a representative sample of {PLHIV} in {F}rance, in order to help target individuals who would benefit from suicide risk screening and psychiatric care. {M}ethods: {T}he {ANRS} {VESPA}2 cross-sectional survey ({A}pril 2011-{J}anuary 2012) collected sociodemographic, medical and behavioral data from 3,022 {PLHIV} recruited in 73 {F}rench {HIV} hospital departments. {T}he study sample comprised the 2,973 participants with available self-reported data on suicide risk (defined as having either thought about and planned to commit suicide during the previous 12 months or attempted suicide during the same period of time) and medical data on comorbidities. {W}eighted {P}oisson models adjusted for {HCV} co infection and significant clinical variables were used to estimate the relationship between suicide risk and {HIV} transmission groups, experience with {HIV} disease and other psychosocial factors. {R}esults: {S}uicide risk was reported by 6.3% of {PLHIV} in the study sample. {A}fter adjustment for {HIV} immunological status and {HCV} co-infection, women ({IRR} [95%{C}]):1.93 [1.17; 3.19]) and men who have sex with men ({MSM}) (1.97 [1.22; 3.19]) had a higher suicide risk than the rest of the sample. {M}oreover, the number of discrimination-related social contexts reported (1.39 [1.19; 1.61]), homelessness (4.87 [1.82; 13.02]), and reporting a feeling of loneliness (4.62 [3.06; 6.97]) were major predictors of suicide risk. {C}onclusions: {R}educing the burden of precarious social conditions and discrimination is an important lever for preventing suicide risk among {PLHIV} in {F}rance. {C}omprehensive care models involving peer/community social interventions targeted at women and {MSM} need to be implemented to lower the risk of suicide in these specific subgroups of {PLHIV}.}, keywords = {{ANTHROPOLOGIE} {DE} {LA} {SANTE} ; {SIDA} ; {GROUPE} {A} {RISQUE} ; {PREVENTION} {SANITAIRE} ; {ENQUETE} ; {SUICIDE} ; {FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{PL}o{S} {O}ne}, volume = {12}, numero = {2}, pages = {art. no e0171645 [14 en ligne]}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0171645}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073919}, }