@techreport{fdi:010073880, title = {{V}olcanic hazards, land and labor}, author = {{C}houmert, {J}. and {P}h{\'e}linas, {P}ascale}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e study the behavior of farmers living under the threat of the {T}ungurahua {V}olcano in {E}cuador. {R}ecent eruptions have caused significant damage, including crop loss, death of livestock, and destruction of dwellings. {W}e collected a unique data set after a major eruption in 2016. {W}e interviewed 222 farmers in the area affected by the eruption and 260 in a nearby control zone to understand why they choose to remain in the risky zone despite the existence of public programs aimed at relocating them to safe zones. {W}e examine land and labor, which are farmers' primary productive assets. {F}irstly, we investigate the capitalization of volcanic hazards in farmland values and find a negative price premium of 21% compared to the control zone. {S}econdly, we explore non-farm labor in response to volcanic risk. {F}inally, we argue that repeated ash fall events increase the illiquidity of farm household assets, such as farmland, and that agricultural human capital is difficult to convert into non-agricultural capital. {O}ur results convey important information for public policies aimed at supporting adaptation and resilience of people living under the threat of volcanoes and other natural disasters.}, keywords = {{AGRICULTURE} ; {VOLCAN} ; {CATASTROPHE} {NATURELLE} ; {SYSTEME} {DE} {REPRESENTATIONS} ; {ECONOMIE} {RURALE} ; {EXPLOITATION} {AGRICOLE} {FAMILIALE} ; {FONCIER} {RURAL} ; {COMMUNAUTE} {VILLAGEOISE} ; {GESTION} {DU} {RISQUE} ; {EQUATEUR} ; {TUNGURHUA} {VOLCAN}}, address = {{C}lermont-{F}errand}, publisher = {{CERDI}}, series = {{E}tudes et {D}ocuments - {CERDI}}, pages = {24 multigr.}, year = {2018}, ISSN = {2114-7957}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073880}, }