@inproceedings{fdi:010073879, title = {{L}and policy and urban development in {M}ali : coping with the data quality challenge}, author = {{B}ertrand, {M}onique and {S}oumar{\'e}, {M}. and {D}emb{\'e}l{\'e}, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his paper deals with administrative data regarding the registered land property in {M}ali, especially in the capital city of {B}amako and surroundings. {F}or the last two years, two studies have been focusing on the exponential flow of new titles and their beneficiaries, on the one hand; on the availability of geospatial data regarding these formally secured rights, distinct from provisional and customary rights, on the other hand. {T}he analysis has put the stress on the noticeable challenge of data quality; however it has been conducted along with the reform of land management which has been launched by the government of {M}ali in 2014. {T}his work identifies many methodological limits but also the informative potential of the existing documentation at the scale of two regions and about twenty municipalities. {T}he research partnership is therefore founded in its role: for measuring the process of urban sprawl and land grabbing; for documenting a shared vision of planning the peri-urban area; for highlighting the current critical and deregulated land management, and its consequences for urban investments. {A} knowledge and data strategy is finally advocated for putting the common interest at the core of land and urban policies in {M}ali.}, keywords = {{MALI} ; {BAMAKO}}, numero = {}, pages = {19 multigr.}, booktitle = {}, year = {2017}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073879}, }