@article{fdi:010073670, title = {{ODD}+2{D}: {A}n {ODD} {B}ased {P}rotocol for {M}apping {D}ata to {E}mpirical {ABM}s}, author = {{L}aatabi, {A}. and {M}arilleau, {N}icolas and {N}guyen-{H}uu, {T}ri and {H}bid, {H}. and {B}abram, {M}. {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he quantity of data and processes used in modeling projects has been dramatically increasing in recent years due to the progress in computation capability and to the popularity of new approaches such as open data. {M}odelers face an increasing difficulty in analyzing and modeling complex systems that consist of many heterogeneous entities. {A}dapting existing models is relevant to avoid dealing with the complexity of writing and studying a new model from scratch. {ODD} ({O}verview, {D}esign concepts, {D}etails) protocol has emerged as a solution to document {A}gent-{B}ased {M}odels ({ABM}s). {I}t appears to be a convenient solution to address significant problems such as comprehension, replication, and dissemination. {H}owever, it lacks a standard that formalizes the use of data in empirical models. {T}his paper tackles this issue by proposing a set of rules that outline the use of empirical data inside an {ABM}. {W}e call this new protocol {ODD}+2{D} ({ODD}+{D}ecision + {D}ata). {ODD}+2{D} integrates a mapping diagramcalled {DAM}ap ({D}ata to {A}gent {M}apping). {T}his mapping model formalizes howdata are processed and mapped to agent-based models. {I}n this paper, we focus on the architecture of {ODD}+2{D}, and we illustrate it with a residential mobility model in {M}arrakesh.}, keywords = {{E}mpirical {A}gent-{B}ased {M}odels ; {ODD} protocol ; {ODD}+2{D} ; {M}apping ; {D}ata analysis ; {S}ocial simulation ; {MAROC} ; {MARRAKECH}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{JASSS}-the {J}ournal of {A}rtificial {S}ocieties and {S}ocial {S}imulation}, volume = {21}, numero = {2}, pages = {art. 9 [24 p.]}, ISSN = {1460-7425}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.18564/jasss.3646}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073670}, }