@article{fdi:010073620, title = {{E}xamining the role of border closure and post-colonial ties in {C}aribbean migration}, author = {{F}lahaux, {M}arie-{L}aurence and {V}ezzoli, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his article analyses the role of border regimes and post-colonial ties in {C}aribbean migration between 1960 and 2010. {O}ver this period, 18 out of 25 countries in the {C}aribbean region have experienced the closure of borders by their former colonial state, while the remaining seven former colonies have retained open borders with their metropolitan state. {I}n view of the academic and policy debate about the effects of border restrictions, the {C}aribbean region allows the comparison of emigration volumes and migration destination selection from {C}aribbean countries with both closed and open borders. {M}oreover, because the {C}aribbean region was colonised by {B}ritain, {F}rance, the {N}etherlands and the {U}nited {S}tates, we examine whether post-colonial ties influence long-term {C}aribbean emigration, allowing migrants to overcome border regime restrictions. {T}he article finds that countries with closed borders with the former colonial state do not experience a decrease but rather a strong increase in long-term emigration. {I}n fact, emigration gradually regains strength after border closure as migration channels to new destinations develop. {T}hus, border closure seems to encourage a weakening of 'post-colonial' migration patterns through the diversification of emigration towards destinations other than the former colonial state and its former colonies. {C}onversely, the increase of emigration from countries with open borders has decelerated and generally remained concentrated towards countries within the free-movement colonial sphere. {T}his suggests that the post-colonial migration patterns may be associated with continuous open borders as much as with cultural and linguistic connections.}, keywords = {migration ; borders ; open borders ; post-colonial ties ; {C}aribbean ; {CARAIBE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}igration {S}tudies}, volume = {6}, numero = {2}, pages = {165--186}, ISSN = {2049-5838}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1093/migration/mnx034}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073620}, }