@article{fdi:010073612, title = {{I}mpact of offshore eddies on shelf circulation and river plumes of the {S}ofala {B}ank, {M}ozambique {C}hannel}, author = {{M}alauene, {B}. {S}. and {M}oloney, {C}. {L}. and {L}ett, {C}hristophe and {R}oberts, {M}. {J}. and {M}arsac, {F}rancis and {P}enven, {P}ierrick}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} high-resolution, two-way nested {R}egional {O}cean {M}odeling {S}ystem, forced with monthly climatologies, has been set up for the {S}ofala {B}ank and adjacent deeper ocean of the {M}ozambique {C}hannel to investigate the role of offshore mesoscale eddies on the shelf circulation, hydrographic structures and river plumes. {T}he model is shown in comparison with available observations and published studies. {M}ost known oceanographic features are reproduced by our model. {W}e applied {S}elf-{O}rganizing {M}aps and showed that offshore passing eddies, depending on their strength and proximity to the shelf, modulate the shelf circulation and river plume direction and spread. {T}he presence of a strong cyclonic eddy close to the shelf induces northward surface shelf currents. {I}n contrast, the presence of a strong anticyclonic eddy close to the shelf induces a strong southward current over most of the shelf, except off {B}eira. {O}ur analyses confirm that the plume of the {Z}ambezi {R}iver is bi-directional. {T}he southward-directed plume patterns, opposite to the dominant northwards, occur in response to nearby offshore anticyclonic eddies (26% of occurrence). {T}his behavior could have an influence on water dispersal, shelf ecosystems and important fisheries. {T}herefore, offshore mesoscale eddies should be taken into account when studying the ocean dynamics of the {S}ofala {B}ank.}, keywords = {{M}esoscale eddies ; {S}helf processes ; {R}iver plume ; {ROMS} ; {SOM}s ; {MOZAMBIQUE} ; {MOZAMBIQUE} {CANAL} ; {ZAMBEZE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {M}arine {S}ystems}, volume = {185}, numero = {}, pages = {1--12}, ISSN = {0924-7963}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jmarsys.2018.05.001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073612}, }