@article{fdi:010073163, title = {{E}ffects of a bacterivorous nematode on rice {P}-32 uptake and root architecture in a high {P}-sorbing ferrallitic soil}, author = {{R}anoarisoa, {M}. {P}. and {M}orel, {C}. and {A}ndriamananjara, {A}. and {J}ourdan, {C}. and {B}ernard, {L}aetitia and {B}ecquer, {T}hierry and {R}abeharisoa, {L}. and {R}ahajaharilaza, {K}. and {P}lassard, {C}. and {B}lanchart, {E}ric and {T}rap, {J}ean}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}oil bacterivorous nematodes are key plant mutualists that increase nutrient availability for plants either by enhancing the mineralization of organic compounds (the "mineralization pathway") or by increasing plant lateral root branching following shifts in internal plant metabolism, and subsequently leading to a higher volume of soil prospected by the roots (the "hormonal pathway"). {T}he effects of these organisms on the nutrition of plants growing in strongly nutrient-deficient ferrallitic soils, especially in soils with limited available inorganic phosphorus ({P}), are poorly known, as are the pathways involved. {I}n our study, using {O}ryza saliva ({P}oaceae) and {A}crobeloides sp. ({C}ephalobidae), we tested the "mineralization" and "hormonal" hypotheses in an acidic {P}-depleted {F}erralsol from the {M}adagascar highlands. {W}e assessed the effect of nematode inoculation on (i) inorganic {P} flow from soil to plant using the {P}-32 labelling technique and (ii) plant root architecture using a rhizobox device. {W}e showed that the ability of {A}crobeloides sp. to enhance {P} uptake in plants is strongly limited in {F}erralsols. {H}owever, when the soil p{H} was corrected with dolomite, {A}crobeloides sp. increased plant {P} uptake probably through the "mineralization" pathway (higher microbial turnover). {I}ndeed, the {L}-value increased by 49% in the presence of nematodes and dolomite, suggesting the production of unlabelled plant-available {P}, probably through a higher net {P} mineralization when the nematodes were inoculated. {U}sing the rhizobox technique, we also observed increased root length in the presence of nematodes but the specific root length, the tip number and the root branching density did not increase in the presence of nematodes, suggesting that nematodes did not increase plant {P} uptake and growth in this soil as proposed by the "hormonal" hypothesis. {F}rom an ecological intensification perspective, to promote agro-ecological development in tropical regions, our results suggest that amending ferrallitic soils with {P}-rich organic matter and correcting soil p{H} with an appropriate amount of dolomite may constitute suitable agronomic actionable triggers to drive the mutualistic activity of bacterivorous nematodes.}, keywords = {{P}-32-labelling ; {D}olomite lime ; {A}crobeloides sp. ; {U}pland rice ; {R}hizobox technique ; {M}adagascar ; {MADAGASCAR} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}oil {B}iology and {B}iochemistry}, volume = {122}, numero = {}, pages = {39--49}, ISSN = {0038-0717}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.soilbio.2018.04.002}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073163}, }