@article{fdi:010072564, title = {{B}ioactive bromotyrosine-derived alkaloids from the {P}olynesian sponge {S}uberea ianthelliformis}, author = {{E}l-{D}emerdash, {A}. and {M}oriou, {C}. and {T}oullec, {J}. and {B}esson, {M}. and {S}oulet, {S}. and {S}chmitt, {N}. and {P}etek, {S}ylvain and {L}ecchini, {D}. and {D}ebitus, {C}{\'e}cile and {A}l-{M}ourabit, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{H}erein, we describe the isolation and spectroscopic identification of eight new tetrabrominated tyrosine alkaloids 2–9 from the {P}olynesian sponge {S}uberea ianthelliformis, along with known major compound psammaplysene {D} (1), {N},{N}-dimethyldibromotyramine, 5-hydroxy xanthenuric acid, and xanthenuric acid. {C}ytotoxicity and acetylcholinesterase inhibition activities were evaluated for some of the isolated metabolites. {T}hey exhibited moderate antiproliferative activity against {KB} cancer cell lines, but psammaplysene {D} (1) displayed substantial cytotoxicity as well as acetylcholinesterase inhibition with {IC}50 values of 0.7 μ{M} and 1.3 μ{M}, respectively.}, keywords = {{POLYNESIE} {FRANCAISE} ; {PACIFIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine {D}rugs}, volume = {16}, numero = {5}, pages = {art. no 146 [16 en ligne]}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.3390/md16050146}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072564}, }