@article{fdi:010072392, title = {{O}ptimized transitory ectopic expression of promastigote surface antigen protein in {N}icotiana benthamiana, a potential anti-leishmaniasis vaccine candidate}, author = {{L}acombe, {S}{\'e}verine and {B}angratz, {M}artine and {B}rizard, {J}ean-{P}aul and {P}etitdidier, {E}lodie and {P}agniez, {J}ulie and {S}{\'e}r{\'e}m{\'e}, {D}. and {L}emesre, {J}ean-{L}oup and {B}rugidou, {C}hristophe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n recent years, plants have been shown to be an efficient alternative expression system for high-value pharmaceuticals such as vaccines. {H}owever, constitutive expression of recombinant protein remains uncertain on their level of production and biological activity. {T}o overcome these problems, transitory expression systems have been developed. {H}ere, a series of experiments were performed to determine the most effective conditions to enhance vaccine antigen transient accumulation in {N}icotiana benthamiana leaves using the promastigote surface antigen ({PSA}) from the parasitic protozoan {L}eishmania infantum. {T}his protein has been previously identified as the major antigen of a licensed canine anti-leishmaniasis vaccine. {T}he classical prokaryote {E}scherichia coli biosystem failed in accumulating {PSA}. {C}onsequently, the standard plant system based on {N}. benthamiana has been optimized for the production of putatively active {PSA}. {F}irst, the {RNA} silencing defense mechanism set up by the plant against {PSA} ectopic expression was abolished by using three viral suppressors acting at different steps of the {RNA} silencing pathway. {T}hen, we demonstrated that the signal peptide at the {N}-terminal side of the {PSA} is required for its accumulation. {T}he {PSA} {ER} signaling and retention with the {PSA} signal peptide and the {ICDEL} motif, respectively were optimized to significantly increase its accumulation. {F}inally, we demonstrate that the production of recombinant {PSA} in {N}. benthamiana leaves allows the conservation of its immunogenic property. {T}hese approaches demonstrate that based on these optimizations, plant based systems can be used to effectively produce the biological active {PSA} protein.}, keywords = {{P}lant-based biosystem ; {RNA} silencing suppressor ; {N}icotiana benthamiana ; {A}nti-leishmaniasis vaccine ; {R}ecombinant proteins}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {B}ioscience and {B}ioengineering}, volume = {125}, numero = {1}, pages = {116--123}, ISSN = {1389-1723}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jbiosc.2017.07.008}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072392}, }