@article{fdi:010072372, title = {{S}tructure and distribution of centromeric retrotransposons at diploid and allotetraploid {C}offea centromeric and pericentromeric regions}, author = {de {C}astro {N}unes, {R}. and {O}rozco-{A}rias, {S}. and {C}rouzillat, {D}. and {M}ueller, {L}. {A}. and {S}trickler, {S}. {R}. and {D}escombes, {P}. and {F}ournier, {C}. and {M}oine, {D}. and {K}ochko, {A}lexandre de and {Y}uyama, {P}. {M}. and {V}anzela, {A}. {L}. {L}. and {G}uyot, {R}omain}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}entromeric regions of plants are generally composed of large array of satellites from a specific lineage of {G}ypsy {LTR}-retrotransposons, called {C}entromeric {R}etrotransposons. {R}epeated sequences interact with a specific {H}3 histone, playing a crucial function on kinetochore formation. {T}o study the structure and composition of centromeric regions in the genus {C}offea, we annotated and classified {C}entromeric {R}etrotransposons sequences from the allotetraploid {C}. arabica genome and its two diploid ancestors: {C}offea canephora and {C}. eugenioides. {T}en distinct {CRC} ({C}entromeric {R}etrotransposons in {C}offea) families were found. {T}he sequence mapping and {FISH} experiments of {CRC} {R}everse {T}ranscriptase domains in {C}. canephora, {C}. eugenioides, and {C}. arabica clearly indicate a strong and specific targeting mainly onto proximal chromosome regions, which can be associated also with heterochromatin. {P}ac{B}io genome sequence analyses of putative centromeric regions on {C}. arabica and {C}. canephora chromosomes showed an exceptional density of one family of {CRC} elements, and the complete absence of satellite arrays, contrasting with usual structure of plant centromeres. {A}ltogether, our data suggest a specific centromere organization in {C}offea, contrasting with other plant genomes.}, keywords = {coffee ; {CRM} lineages ; {FISH} ; {G}ypsy ; pseudochromosomes ; proximal chromosome regions ; centromeres}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {P}lant {S}cience}, volume = {9}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 175 [14p.]}, ISSN = {1664-462{X}}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.3389/fpls.2018.00175}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072372}, }