@inproceedings{fdi:010072187, title = {{L}arge-scale {GIS}-based urban flood modelling : a case study on the city of {O}uagadougou}, author = {{B}ouvier, {C}hristophe and {C}hahinian, {N}an{\'e}e and {A}damovic, {M}arko and {C}ass{\'e}, {C}laire and {C}respy, {A}nne and {C}r{\`e}s, {A}gn{\`e}s and {A}lcoba, {M}atias}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}frican cities are prone to recurrent flooding due to unfavorable rainfall conditions, often insufficient drainage infrastructure and fast and poorly controlled urban development. {I}t is thus important to put forward efficient tools to characterize flooding and its consequences over large urban areas, e.g. the entire agglomeration. {H}owever, scarce data and long computation time limit the use of classic hydraulic models in such cases and require to propose alternative models. {T}herefore a {GIS}-based urban flood model is proposed as a case study in the city of {O}uagadougou ({B}urkina {F}aso), in order to produce flood mapping at small spatial resolution over the entire conglomeration. {S}patial discretization is done using a {D}igital {T}errain {M}odel ({DTM}) forced by various obstacles (urban blocks) or drainage axis (roads or water collectors). {T}he mesh size is set to 10m to get a good representation of the urban objects and drainage directions. {R}unoff at the cell scale is calculated using an {SCS} model, within parameters are linked to the density of the built-up areas and to the type of soil. {R}unoff is first routed with a {L}ag and {R}oute model over 1057 catchments which drain nearly 10 ha. {T}he velocity of the model derives from a geomorphological formula involving the slope and the upstream area of each cell. {R}unoff is then routed in the main hydrological network (i.e. streets and channels) with a {K}inematic {W}ave model. {T}he dimensions of the cross-sections derive from a geomorphological formula, involving slope and upstream areas of the cells. {A}n example of flooded areas is shown, as an application of the models over the entire conglomeration. {T}he model strength resides in its quick implementation at large scale using easily accessible data, and in a fast computation time. {T}he model appears as a valuable tool for decision-makers, real time forecasting and infrastructures management. {T}his modelling approach may be complemented by finer, local scale models which may use the computed fluxes as boundary conditions.}, keywords = {{INONDATION} ; {SIMULATION} ; {MODELISATION} ; {CALIBRAGE} ; {METHODOLOGIE} ; {SYSTEME} {D}'{INFORMATION} {GEOGRAPHIQUE} ; {LOGICIEL} {D}'{APPLICATION} ; {ETUDE} {DE} {CAS} ; {VILLE} ; {LOGICIEL} {ATHYS} ; {OUAGADOUGOU} ; {BURKINA} {FASO}}, numero = {}, pages = {12}, booktitle = {{T}he choosing the right model in applied hydraulics : {S}im{H}ydro 2017}, year = {2017}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072187}, }