@inproceedings{fdi:010072129, title = {{P}opulation traits in small pelagic fish model : emergence from interactions between turbulent environment and individual behaviors in upwelling systems [r{\'e}sum{\'e}]}, author = {{B}rochier, {T}imoth{\'e}e and {A}uger, {P}ierre-{A}ma{\¨e}l and {P}ecquerie, {L}aure and {M}achu, {E}ric and {C}apet, {X}. and {T}hiaw, {M}. and {E}ttahiri, {O}. and {B}raham, {C}.{B}. and {C}harouki, {N}. and {B}rehmer, {P}atrice}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}mall pelagic fish ({SPF}) species are heavily exploited in the four main eastern boundary upwelling systems ({EBUS}), including both {A}tlantic {A}frican ones, as their transformation are increasingly used in the world food chain. {M}anagement rely on regular monitoring, but there is a lack of model for population traits emergence and evolution according to the variability of the environment. {W}e attempt to extract some general rules based on the analysis of a life cycle biophysical individual based model applied to the round sardinella ({S}ardinella aurita, {C}lupeidae) population off {N}orth {W}est {A}frica. {O}ur analysis focused on the processes responsible for seasonal migrations, spatio-temporal body-length distribution, and inter-annual biomass fluctuations. {T}hese patterns were found at individual level in the dynamic change of preferred habitat, and variability in exploration capacities. {T}he former resulted from complex interactions between natal homing behavior and environmental variability, while the last was determined by individual swimming capacities, the mesoscale structure of the habitat and the horizontal currents. {O}bserved spatio-temporal abundance variability emerged from a superposition of numerous distinct individual life histories. {T}his work also suggested an alongshore pattern in size distributions confirmed by in situ surveys. {N}ew insights about population structure are provided, with a focal area in {M}auritania and mainly two migrating sub-populations centered at 18°{N} and 21°{N}, respectively. {I}nter-annual biomass fluctuations were linked to variability in {S}ahara {B}ank's fish recruitment, itself depending on southward current intensity. {T}he identified processes constitute an analytical frame that can be transposed to study {S}mall pelagic fish in all eastern boundary upwelling systems and used to study potential effect of regional climate change.}, keywords = {{AFRIQUE} {DE} {L}'{OUEST} ; {SENEGAL} ; {ATLANTIQUE}}, numero = {}, pages = {84--85}, booktitle = {{I}nternational conference {ICAWA} 2016 : extended book of abstract : the {AWA} project : ecosystem approach to the management of fisheries and the marine environment in {W}est {A}frican waters}, year = {2017}, ISBN = {978-2-9553602-0-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072129}, }