@article{fdi:010072046, title = {{P}erformance of {CMORPH}, {TMPA}, and {PERSIANN} rainfall datasets over plain, mountainous, and glacial regions of {P}akistan}, author = {{H}ussain, {Y}. and {S}atg{\'e}, {F}. and {H}ussain, {M}. {B}. and {M}artinez-{C}arvajal, {H}. and {B}onnet, {M}arie-{P}aule and {C}ardenas-{S}oto, {M}. and {R}oig, {H}. {L}. and {A}khter, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he present study aims at the assessment of six satellite rainfall estimates ({SRE}s) in {P}akistan. {F}or each assessed products, both real-time ({RT}) and post adjusted ({A}dj) versions are considered to highlight their potential benefits in the rainfall estimation at annual, monthly, and daily temporal scales. {T}hree geomorphological climatic zones, i.e., plain, mountainous, and glacial are taken under considerations for the determination of relative potentials of these {SRE}s over {P}akistan at global and regional scales. {A}ll {SRE}s, in general, have well captured the annual north-south rainfall decreasing patterns and rainfall amounts over the typical arid regions of the country. {R}egarding the zonal approach, the performance of all {SRE}s has remained good over mountainous region comparative to arid regions. {T}his poor performance in accurate rainfall estimation of all the six {SRE}s over arid regions has made their use questionable in these regions. {O}ver glacier region, all {SRE}s have highly overestimated the rainfall. {O}ne possible cause of this overestimation may be due to the low surface temperature and radiation absorption over snow and ice cover, resulting in their misidentification with rainy clouds as daily false alarm ratio has increased from mountainous to glacial regions. {A}mong {RT} products, {CMORPH}-{RT} is the most biased product. {T}he {B}ias was almost removed on {CMORPH}-{A}dj thanks to the gauge adjustment. {O}n a general way, all {A}dj versions outperformed their respective {RT} versions at all considered temporal scales and have confirmed the positive effects of gauge adjustment. {CMORPH}-{A}dj and {TMPA}-{A}dj have shown the best agreement with in situ data in terms of {B}ias, {RMSE}, and {CC} over the entire study area.}, keywords = {{PAKISTAN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}heoretical and {A}pplied {C}limatology}, volume = {131}, numero = {3-4}, pages = {1119--1132}, ISSN = {0177-798{X}}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1007/s00704-016-2027-z}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072046}, }