@article{fdi:010072044, title = {{P}rovenance record of late {M}aastrichtian-late {P}alaeocene {A}ndean {M}ountain building in the {A}mazonian retroarc foreland basin ({M}adre de {D}ios basin, {P}eru)}, author = {{L}outerbach, {M}. and {R}oddaz, {M}artin and {A}ntoine, {P}. {O}. and {M}arivaux, {L}. and {A}dnet, {S}. and {B}ailleul, {J}. and {D}antas, {E}. and {S}antos, {R}. {V}. and {C}hemale, {F}. and {B}aby, {P}atrice and {S}anchez, {C}. and {C}alderon, {Y}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}iostratigraphic, sedimentological and provenance analyses suggest that a proto-{A}ndean {C}ordillera already existed in southern {P}eru by late {M}aastrichtian-late {P}alaeocene times. {A} 270-m-thick stratigraphic section shows changes in depositional environments from shallow marine (early {M}aastrichtian) to non-marine (late {M}aastrichtian) then back to estuarine (late {P}alaeocene) conditions. {A}n erosional surface separates lower {M}aastrichtian from upper {M}aastrichtian deposits. {A}bove this surface, the late {M}aastrichtian unit exhibits moderately developed palaeosols and syn-sedimentary normal faults. {T}he sedimentary evolution is accompanied by a decrease in sedimentation rate and by changes in provenance. {S}hallow marine lower {M}aastrichtian deposits have a cratonic provenance as shown by their low epsilon {N}d(0) values (-15 to -16) and the presence of {P}recambrian inherited zircon grains. {T}he upper {M}aastrichtian deposits have a mixed {A}ndean and cratonic origin with epsilon {N}d(0) values of similar to 12.6 and yield the first {C}retaceous and {P}ermo-{T}riassic zircon grains. {E}stuarine to shallow marine upper {P}alaeocene deposits have an {A}ndean dominant source as attested by higher epsilon {N}d(0) values (-6 to -10) and by the presence of {P}alaeozoic and {L}ate {C}retaceous zircon grains. {T}he changes in depositional environments and sedimentation rates, as well as the shift in detrital provenance, are consistent with a late {M}aastrichtian-late {P}alaeocene period of {A}ndean mountain building. {I}n agreement with recently published studies, our data suggest that an {A}ndean retroarc foreland basin was active by late {M}aastrichtian-late {P}alaeocene times.}, keywords = {{PEROU} ; {MADRE} {DE} {DIOS} {BASSIN} ; {ANDES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}erra {N}ova}, volume = {30}, numero = {1}, pages = {17--23}, ISSN = {0954-4879}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1111/ter.12303}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072044}, }