@article{fdi:010071303, title = {{U}rban health interventions and vector-borne and other infectious diseases of poverty : an international collaboration to analyse knowledge gaps [r{\'e}sum{\'e} de poster]}, author = {{D}egroote, {S}. and {O}sorio, {L}. and {P}arra, {L}. {G}. and {G}arcia, {J}. {A}. and {T}orres, {L}. and {G}arcia, {V}. and {P}arra, {B}. and {F}ournet, {F}lorence and {B}onnet, {E}mmanuel and {J}ourdain, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {B}ermudez-{T}amayo, {C}. and {M}arcos-{M}arcos, {J}. and {D}e {L}abry, {A}. {O}. and {E}der, {M}. {K}. and {B}raga, {C}. and {M}artelli, {C}. {M}. {T}. and {S}iqueira, {N}. and {C}ortes, {F}. and {C}arabali, {M}. and {C}ampeau, {L}. and {D}agenais, {C}. and {R}idde, {V}al{\'e}ry}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {}, keywords = {{CANADA} ; {FRANCE} ; {ESPAGNE} ; {COLOMBIE} ; {BRESIL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}ropical {M}edicine and {I}nternational {H}ealth}, volume = {22}, numero = {{S}uppl 1}, pages = {303}, ISSN = {1360-2276}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1111/tmi.12979}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071303}, }