@article{fdi:010071081, title = {{P}redator density-dependent prey dispersal in a patchy environment with a refuge for the prey}, author = {{D}uc, {K}. {D}. and {A}uger, {P}ierre and {N}guyen-{H}uu, {T}ri}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n this article, we examine a two-patch predator-prey model which incorporates a refuge for the prey. {W}e suppose that prey migration is dependent on predator density, according to a general function. {W}e consider two different time scales in the dynamics of the model, a fast one describing patch to patch migration, and a slow one involving local prey and predator interaction. {W}e take advantage of the time scales to reduce the dimension of the model by use of methods of aggregation of variables, and thereby examine the effect of predator density-dependent migration of prey on the stability of the predator-prey system. {W}e establish a simple criterion of viability, namely, the existence of a positive and globally stable equilibrium, and show that density dependence has beneficial effects on both species by providing larger equilibrium densities.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}outh {A}frican {J}ournal of {S}cience}, volume = {104}, numero = {5-6}, pages = {180--184}, ISSN = {0038-2353}, year = {2008}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071081}, }