@article{fdi:010070992, title = {{P}roperties and functional impact of termite sheetings}, author = {{H}arit, {A}. and {S}hanbhag, {R}. and {C}haudhary, {E}. and {C}heik, {S}. and {J}ouquet, {P}ascal}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}ermites are considered soil engineers and key bioturbators in tropical and subtropical soils. {A} large number of studies have described the specific properties of the aboveground mounds that termites construct to protect their colonies from environmental hazards. {H}owever, there is a paucity of information on properties of soil sheetings; more temporary but often extensive structures are covering over or inserted within substrates on the ground such as leaves and woody materials or components of arboreal runways. {S}uch sheetings are conspicuously produced not only by the {M}acrotermitinae but also by many other unrelated taxa. {H}ere, we review the available literature and discuss (i) the relationship between rainfall and soil sheeting production and (ii) how termites affect the clay and {C} contents in soil sheetings. {T}his reveals that sheeting production is highly variable and site specific. {W}e also found that soil sheetings are always enriched in clay, but their impacts on soil {C} content are variable and related to the {C} content of the parent soil and to the quality of the substrates consumed by termites.}, keywords = {{T}ermites ; {S}oil sheeting ; {S}oil engineers ; {B}ioturbation ; {C}arbon and clay ; {AFRIQUE} ; {ASIE} ; {EUROPE} ; {AMERIQUE} ; {BURKINA} {FASO} ; {KENYA} ; {NAMIBIE} ; {SENEGAL} ; {INDE} ; {VIET} {NAM} ; {MEXIQUE} ; {ETATS} {UNIS} ; {MEXIQUE} ; {COLOMBIE} ; {AUSTRALIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iology and {F}ertility of {S}oils}, volume = {53}, numero = {7}, pages = {743--749}, ISSN = {0178-2762}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1007/s00374-017-1228-7}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070992}, }