@article{fdi:010070961, title = {{T}he pomegranate ({P}unica granatum {L}.) genome and the genomics of punicalagin biosynthesis}, author = {{Q}in, {G}. {H}. and {X}u, {C}. {Y}. and {M}ing, {R}. and {T}ang, {H}. {B}. and {G}uyot, {R}omain and {K}ramer, {E}. {M}. and {H}u, {Y}. {D}. and {Y}i, {X}. {K}. and {Q}i, {Y}. {J}. and {X}u, {X}. {Y}. and {G}ao, {Z}. {H}. and {P}an, {H}. {F}. and {J}ian, {J}. {B}. and {T}ian, {Y}. {P}. and {Y}ue, {Z}. and {X}u, {Y}. {L}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}omegranate ({P}unica granatum {L}.) is a perennial fruit crop grown since ancient times that has been planted worldwide and is known for its functional metabolites, particularly punicalagins. {W}e have sequenced and assembled the pomegranate genome with 328 {M}b anchored into nine pseudo-chromosomes and annotated 29 229 gene models. {A} {M}yrtales lineage-specific whole-genome duplication event was detected that occurred in the common ancestor before the divergence of pomegranate and {E}ucalyptus. {R}epetitive sequences accounted for 46.1% of the assembled genome. {W}e found that the integument development gene {INNER} {NO} {OUTER} ({INO}) was under positive selection and potentially contributed to the development of the fleshy outer layer of the seed coat, an edible part of pomegranate fruit. {T}he genes encoding the enzymes for synthesis and degradation of lignin, hemicelluloses and cellulose were also differentially expressed between soft-and hard-seeded varieties, reflecting differences in their accumulation in cultivars differing in seed hardness. {C}andidate genes for punicalagin biosynthesis were identified and their expression patterns indicated that gallic acid synthesis in tissues could follow different biochemical pathways. {T}he genome sequence of pomegranate provides a valuable resource for the dissection of many biological and biochemical traits and also provides important insights for the acceleration of breeding. {E}lucidation of the biochemical pathway(s) involved in punicalagin biosynthesis could assist breeding efforts to increase production of this bioactive compound.}, keywords = {pomegranate ; genome ; system evolution ; adaption ; punicalagin biosynthesis}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant {J}ournal}, volume = {91}, numero = {6}, pages = {1108--1128}, ISSN = {0960-7412}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1111/tpj.13625}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070961}, }