@article{fdi:010070919, title = {{E}ffects of temperature and {UVR} on organic matter fluxes and the metabolic activity of {A}cropora muricata}, author = {{C}ourtial, {L}. and {F}errier-{P}ages, {C}. and {J}acquet, {S}. and {R}odolfo-{M}etalpa, {R}iccardo and {R}eynaud, {S}. and {R}ottier, {C}. and {H}oulbr{\`e}que, {F}anny}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}oral bleaching events are predicted to occur more frequently in the coming decades with global warming. {T}he susceptibility of corals to bleaching during thermal stress episodes depends on many factors, including the magnitude of thermal stress and irradiance. {T}he interactions among these two factors, and in particular with ultraviolet radiation ({UVR}), the most harmful component of light, are more complex than assumed, and are not yet well understood. {T}his paper explores the individual and combined effects of temperature and {UVR} on the metabolism of {A}cropora muricata, one of the most abundant coral species worldwide. {P}articulate and dissolved organic matter ({POM}/{DOM}) fluxes and organic matter ({OM}) degradation by the mucus-associated bacteria were also monitored in all conditions. {T}he results show that {UVR} exposure exacerbated the temperature-induced bleaching, but did not affect {OM} fluxes, which were only altered by seawater warming. {T}emperature increase induced a shift from {POM} release and {DOM} uptake in healthy corals to {POM} uptake and {DOM} release in stressed ones. {POM} uptake was linked to a significant grazing of pico- and nanoplankton particles during the incubation, to fulfil the energetic requirements of {A}. muricata in the absence of autotrophy. {F}inally, {OM} degradation by mucus-associated bacterial activity was unaffected by {UVR} exposure, but significantly increased under high temperature. {A}ltogether, our results demonstrate that seawater warming and {UVR} not only affect coral physiology, but also the way corals interact with the surrounding seawater, with potential consequences for coral reef biogeochemical cycles and food webs.}, keywords = {{A}cropora muricata ; {T}hermal stress ; {UV} radiation ; {C}limate change ; {O}rganic matter fluxes ; {M}icrobial loop}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iology {O}pen}, volume = {6}, numero = {8}, pages = {1190--1199}, ISSN = {2046-6390}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1242/bio.026757}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070919}, }