@article{fdi:010070897, title = {{T}he origin of a new pargasite-schist hosted ruby deposit from {P}aranesti, {N}orthern {G}reece}, author = {{W}ang, {K}. {K}. and {G}raham, {I}. {T}. and {L}ay, {A}. and {H}arris, {S}. {J}. and {C}ohen, {D}. {R}. and {V}oudouris, {P}. and {B}elousova, {E}. and {G}iuliani, {G}aston and {F}allick, {A}. {E}. and {G}reig, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{G}em-quality (cabochon) ruby-bearing occurrences (here termed {PAR}-1 and {PAR}-5) located near {P}aranesti, north eastern {G}reece have been systematically studied for the first time in this paper. {T}ectonically, the occurrences are located within the {N}estos {S}hear {Z}one ({NSZ}). {T}he {NSZ} separates two distinct geological units. {T}he {R}hodope {T}errane is a heterogeneous unit of gneisses, mafic, ultramafic, and meta-sedimentary rocks in the hanging wall. {T}he footwall {P}angaion-{P}irin {C}omplex consists of marbles and acid gneisses of a {M}esozoic carbonate platform on pre-{M}esozoic continental basement. {I}n this paper, a range of petrographic and geochemical techniques were used to determine (1) any similarities and differences to other mafic-ultramafic hosted ruby deposits worldwide; (2) distinctive geochemical fingerprints for {P}aranesti; and (3) the likely {P}-{T} conditions of formation. {D}etailed petrographic and whole-rock analyses utilizing {ICP}-{MS}, {XRF}, and {XRD} have found the {P}aranesti corundum to be of a mafic/ultramafic protolith with approximately 40 wt.% {S}i{O}2, 16 wt.% {M}g, 11000 ppm {C}r, and 440 ppm {N}i. {EMPA} major element analysis determined the mineral inclusions within the corundum grains to be picotite and hercynite spinels. {P}argasite is the dominant amphibole within the corundum-bearing amphibole schist host. {T}he surrounding non-corundum bearing chlorite schist mainly comprises clinochlore. {P}etrographic examination of the mineral assemblages within the corundum-bearing schists revealed strong fracturing and alignment (parallel to the main regional foliation) of the corundum grains and margarite reaction rims around the corundum. {T}he surrounding non-corundum amphibolites also contain anorthite, along with relict sillimanite, kyanite, and chlorite/muscovite/epidote overprinting. {D}etailed {LA}-{ICP}-{MS} trace element analysis of the color range of corundum from the two occurrences showed the corundum to be mainly of metamorphic origin, though pale rubies from {PAR}-5 suggest some metasomatic influence. {T}he corundum displays distinctive geochemical locality signatures, with a combination of high {C}r (average 2300 ppm with 15% sample points on core positions >5000 ppm and maximum 8600 ppm); high {S}i (average 1400 ppm with 40% over 1500 ppm and maximum 2500 ppm), low {M}g (average 30 ppm), and very low {V}, {T}i, and {G}a. {B}ased on the literature for similar occurrences, and the mineral assemblages observed at {P}aranesti, the estimated {P}-{T} conditions of corundum formation are,7 kbar and <750 degrees {C}, similar to the mafic {A}frican amphibolite-hosted rubies. {T}his study has found the {P}aranesti occurrences to be most similar to the {W}inza, {T}anzania ruby deposit, whilst there are some similarities to other high-{C}r ruby deposits, primarily the {F}isken ae sset, {G}reenland and metamorphic amphibolitic schist hosted {A}frican deposits. {T}he {P}aranesti corundum most likely formed during regional amphibolite facies metamorphism which created the {N}estos {S}hear {Z}one, along with a lesser influence (primarily observed in the {PAR}-5 occurrence) of more localized metasomatism. {S}ubsequent multiple greenschist facies retrogression of the occurrences resulted in the current-day host amphibole-chlorite schist assemblages.}, keywords = {{P}aranesti {G}reece ; rubies ; pargasite schist ; margarite ; spinel inclusion ; {R}hodope ; {N}estos {S}hear {Z}one ; mafic/ultramafic ; retrogression ; metasomatic ; {P}-{T} conditions ; {GRECE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}anadian {M}ineralogist}, volume = {55}, numero = {4}, pages = {535--560}, ISSN = {0008-4476}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.3749/canmin.1700014}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070897}, }