@article{fdi:010070884, title = {{I}nfluence of pyrethroid-treated bed net on host seeking behavior of {A}nopheles gambiae s. s. carrying the kdr allele}, author = {{P}orciani, {A}ng{\'e}lique and {D}iop, {M}. and {M}oiroux, {N}icolas and {K}adoke-{L}ambi, {T}. and {C}ohuet, {A}nna and {C}handre, {F}abrice and {D}ormont, {L}. and {P}ennetier, {C}{\'e}dric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he use of long lasting insecticide nets ({LLIN}s) treated with pyrethroid is known for its major contribution in malaria control. {H}owever, {LLIN}s are suspected to induce behavioral changes in malaria vectors, which may in turn drastically affect their efficacy against {P}lasmodium sp. transmission. {I}n sub {S}aharan {A}frica, where malaria imposes the heaviest burden, the main malaria vectors are widely resistant to pyrethroids, the insecticide family used on {LLIN}s, which also threatens {LLIN} efficiency. {T}here is therefore a crucial need for deciphering how insecticide-impregnated materials might affect the host-seeking behavior of malaria vectors in regards to insecticide resistance. {I}n this study, we explored the impact of permethrin-impregnated net on the host attractiveness for {A}nopheles gambiae mosquitoes, either susceptible to insecticides, or carrying the insecticide resistance conferring allele kdr. {G}roups of female mosquitoes were released in a dual-choice olfactometer and their movements towards an attractive odor source (a rabbit) protected by insecticide-treated ({ITN}) or untreated nets ({UTN}) were monitored. {K}dr homozygous mosquitoes, resistant to insecticides, were more attracted by a host behind an {ITN} than an {UTN}, while the presence of insecticide on the net did not affect the choice of susceptible mosquitoes. {T}hese results suggest that permethrin-impregnated net is detectable by malaria vectors and that the kdr mutation impacts their response to a {LLIN} protected host. {W}e discuss the implication of these results for malaria vector control.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{PLOS} {O}ne}, volume = {12}, numero = {7}, pages = {e0164518 [15 p.]}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0164518}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070884}, }