@article{fdi:010070803, title = {{S}patial pattern of the seasonal drought/burned area relationship across {B}razilian biomes : sensitivity to drought metrics and global remote-sensing fire products}, author = {{N}ogueira, {J}.{M}.{P}. and {R}ambal, {S}. and {B}arbosa, {J}.{P}.{R}.{A}.{D}. and {M}ouillot, {F}lorent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {4 {F}ires are complex processes having important impacts on biosphere/atmosphere interactions. {T}he spatial and temporal pattern of fire activity is determined by complex feedbacks between climate and plant functioning through and biomass desiccation, usually estimated by fire danger indices ({FDI}) in official fire risk prevention services. {C}ontrasted vegetation types from fire-prone {B}razilian biomes may respond differently to soil water deficit during the fire season. {T}hen, we propose to evaluate the burned area ({BA})/{FDI} relationship across {B}razil using most common {FDI}s and the main {BA} products from global remote sensing. {W}e computed 12 standard {FDI}s- at 0.5 degrees resolution from 2002 to 2011 and used the monthly {BA} from four {BA} datasets-from the {MODIS} sensor ({MCD}45{A}1), the {MERIS} sensor ({MERIS} {FIRE}_{CCI}), the {G}lobal {F}ire {E}mission {D}atabase version 4 ({GFED}4) and version 4s including small fires ({GFED}4s). {W}e performed a {P}rincipal {C}omponent {A}nalysis ({PCA}) on the coefficients of determination ({R}-2) of the {FDI}/{BA} relationship to investigate the biome specificities of {B}razilian biomes and the sensitivity to {BA} datasets. {G}ood relationships ({R}-2 > 0.8) were observed for all {BA} datasets, except {SPEI} ({R}-2 < 0.2). {W}e showed that {FDI}s computed from empirical water balances considering a lower soil capacity are more correlated to the seasonal pattern of fire occurrence in the {C}errado biome with contrasted adjustments between the western (early drying) and eastern part (late drying), while the fine fuel moisture index is more correlated to the fire seasonal pattern in {A}mazonia. {T}he biome specificities of the {FDI}/{BA} relationship was evaluated with a general linear model. {H}igh accuracies in the biome distribution according to the {FDI}/{BA} relationship (>50%, p < 0.001) was observed in {A}mazonia and {C}errado, with lower accuracy (<32%, p < 0.001) in the {A}tlantic {F}orest and {C}aatinga. {T}hese results suggest that the {FDI}/{BA} relationship are biome-specific to explain the seasonal course of burned in {B}razilian biomes, independently of the global {BA} product used. {S}elected {FDI}s should be used for fire danger forecast in each {B}razilian biome.}, keywords = {{BRESIL} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE} ; {AMAZONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}limate}, volume = {5}, numero = {2}, pages = {art. no 42 [21 ]}, ISSN = {2225-1154}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.3390/cli5020042}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070803}, }