@article{fdi:010070381, title = {{D}istribution of {D}ivo in {C}offea genomes, a poorly described family of angiosperm {LTR}-{R}etrotransposons}, author = {{D}upeyron, {M}. and de {S}ouza, {R}. {F}. and {H}amon, {P}erla and {K}ochko, {A}lexandre de and {C}rouzillat, {D}. and {C}outuron, {E}mmanuel and {D}omingues, {D}. {S}. and {G}uyot, {R}omain}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}offea arabica (the {A}rabica coffee) is an allotetraploid species originating from a recent hybridization between two diploid species: {C}. canephora and {C}. eugenioides. {T}ransposable elements can drive structural and functional variation during the process of hybridization and allopolyploid formation in plants. {T}o learn more about the evolution of the {C}. arabica genome, we characterized and studied a new {C}opia {LTR}-{R}etrotransposon ({LTR}-{RT}) family in diploid and allotetraploid {C}offea genomes called {D}ivo. {I}t is a complete and relatively compact {LTR}-{RT} element (similar to 5 kb), carrying typical {G}ag and {P}ol {C}opia type domains. {R}everse {T}rancriptase ({RT}) domain-based phylogeny demonstrated that {D}ivo is a new and well-supported family in the {B}ianca lineage, but strictly restricted to dicotyledonous species. {I}n {C}. canephora, {D}ivo is expressed and showed a genomic distribution along gene rich and gene poor regions. {T}he copy number, the molecular estimation of insertion time and the analysis at orthologous locations of insertions in diploid and allotetraploid coffee genomes suggest that {D}ivo underwent a different and recent transposition activity in {C}. arabica and {C}. canephora when compared to {C}. eugenioides. {T}he analysis of this novel {LTR}-{RT} family represents an important step toward uncovering the genome structure and evolution of {C}. arabica allotetraploid genome.}, keywords = {{C}offea ; {C}opia {LTR}-{R}etrotransposons ; {D}ivo ; {B}ianca ; {G}enomic evolution}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}olecular {G}enetics and {G}enomics}, volume = {292}, numero = {4}, pages = {741--754}, ISSN = {1617-4615}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1007/s00438-017-1308-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070381}, }