@article{fdi:010070363, title = {{M}odeling surface runoff and water fluxes over contrasted soils in the pastoral {S}ahel : evaluation of the {ALMIP}2 land surface models over the gourma region in {M}ali}, author = {{G}rippa, {M}. and {K}ergoat, {L}. and {B}oone, {A}. and {P}eugeot, {C}hristophe and {D}emarty, {J}{\'e}rome and {C}appelaere, {B}ernard and {G}al, {L}a{\¨e}titia and {H}iernaux, {P}. and {M}ougin, {E}ric and {D}ucharne, {A}. and {D}utra, {E}. and {A}nderson, {M}. and {H}ain, {C}. and {ALMIP} {W}orking {G}roup and {S}{\'e}guis, {L}uc and {V}elluet, {C}ecile and {C}haffard, {V}{\'e}ronique and {G}alle, {S}ylvie and {L}ebel, {T}hierry and {Q}uantin, {G}uillaume}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{L}and surface processes play an important role in the {W}est {A}frican monsoon variability. {I}n addition, the evolution of hydrological systems in this region, and particularly the increase of surface water and runoff coefficients observed since the 1950s, has had a strong impact on water resources and on the occurrence of floods events. {T}his study addresses results from phase 2 of the {A}frican {M}onsoon {M}ultidisciplinary {A}nalysis ({AMMA}) {L}and {S}urface {M}odel {I}ntercomparison {P}roject ({ALMIP}2), carried out to evaluate the capability of different state-of-the-art land surface models to reproduce surface processes at the mesoscale. {E}valuation of runoff and water fluxes over the {M}ali site is carried out through comparison with runoff estimations over endorheic watersheds as well as evapotranspiration ({ET}) measurements. {T}hree remote-sensing-based {ET} products [{ALEXI}, {MODIS}, and {G}lobal {L}and {E}vaporation {A}msterdam {M}odel ({GLEAM})] are also analyzed. {I}t is found that, over deep sandy soils, surface runoff is generally overestimated, but the {ALMIP}2 multimodel mean reproduces in situ measurements of {ET} and water stress events rather well. {H}owever, {ALMIP}2 models are generally unable to distinguish among the two contrasted hydrological systems typical of the study area. {E}mploying as input a soil map that explicitly represents shallow soils improves the representation of water fluxes for the models that can account for their representation. {S}hallow soils are shown to be also quite challenging for remote-sensing-based {ET} products, even if their effect on evaporative loss was captured by the diagnostic thermal-based {ALEXI}. {A} better representation of these soils, in soil databases, model parameterizations, and remote sensing algorithms, is fundamental to improve the estimation of water fluxes in this part of the {S}ahel.}, keywords = {{MALI}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {H}ydrometeorology}, volume = {18}, numero = {7}, pages = {1847--1866}, ISSN = {1525-755{X}}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1175/jhm-d-16-0170.1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070363}, }