@article{fdi:010070296, title = {{W}hat does heat tell a mosquito ? {C}haracterization of the orientation behaviour of {A}edes aegypti towards heat sources}, author = {{Z}ermoglio, {P}. {F}. and {R}obuchon, {E}. and {L}eonardi, {M}. {S}. and {C}handre, {F}abrice and {L}azzari, {C}. {R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he use of heat as a cue for the orientation of haematophagous insects towards hot-blooded hosts has been acknowledged for many decades. {I}n mosquitoes, thermoreception has been studied at the molecular, physiological and behavioural levels, and the response to heat has been evaluated in multimodal contexts. {H}owever, a direct characterization of how these insects evaluate thermal sources is still lacking. {I}n this study we characterize {A}edes aegypti thermal orientation using a simple dual choice paradigm, providing direct evidence on how different attributes of heat sources affect their choice. {W}e found that female mosquitoes, but not males, are able to discriminate among heat sources that are at ambient, host-range and deleterious temperatures when no other stimuli are present, eliciting a positive response towards host-range and an avoidance response towards deleterious temperatures. {W}e also tested the preference of females according to the size and position of the sources. {W}e found that females do not discriminate between heat sources of different sizes, but actively orientate towards closer sources at host temperature. {F}urthermore, we show that females cannot use {IR} radiation as an orientation cue. {O}rientation towards a host involves the integration of cues of different nature in distinct phases of the orientation. {A}lthough such integration might be decisive for successful encounter of the host, we show that heat alone is sufficient to elicit orientation behaviour. {W}e discuss the performance of mosquitoes' thermal behaviour compared to other blood-sucking insects.}, keywords = {{H}aematophagous ; {H}ost-seeking ; {I}nfrared perception ; {T}hermal orientation}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {I}nsect {P}hysiology}, volume = {100}, numero = {}, pages = {9--14}, ISSN = {0022-1910}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jinsphys.2017.04.010}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070296}, }