@article{fdi:010070262, title = {{M}agmatic gas percolation through the old lava dome of {E}l {M}isti volcano}, author = {{M}oussallam, {Y}. and {P}eters, {N}. and {M}asias, {P}. and {A}paza, {F}. and {B}arnie, {T}. and {S}chipper, {C}. {I}. and {C}urtis, {A}. and {T}amburello, {G}. and {A}iuppa, {A}. and {B}ani, {P}hilipson and {G}iudice, {G}. and {P}ieri, {D}. and {D}avies, {A}. {G}. and {O}ppenheimer, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he proximity of the major city of {A}requipa to {E}l {M}isti has focused attention on the hazards posed by the active volcano. {S}ince its last major eruption in the fifteenth century, {E}l {M}isti has experienced a series of modest phreatic eruptions and fluctuating fumarolic activity. {H}ere, we present the first measurements of the compositions of gas emitted from the lava dome in the summit crater. {T}he gas composition is found to be fairly dry with a {H}2{O}/{SO}2 molar ratio of 32 +/- 3, a {CO}2/ {SO}2 molar ratio of 2.7 +/- 0.2, a {H}2{S}/{SO}2 molar ratio of 0.23 +/- 0.02 and a {H}-2/{SO}2 molar ratio of 0.012 +/- 0.002. {T}his magmatic gas signature with minimal evidence of hydrothermal or wall rock interaction points to a shallow magma source that is efficiently outgassing through a permeable conduit and lava dome. {F}ield and satellite observations show no evolution of the lava dome over the last decade, indicating sustained outgassing through an established fracture network. {T}his stability could be disrupted if dome permeability were to be reduced by annealing or occlusion of outgassing pathways. {C}ontinued monitoring of gas composition and flux at {E}l {M}isti will be essential to determine the evolution of hazard potential at this dangerous volcano.}, keywords = {{V}olcanic hazard ; {A}requipa ; {O}utgassing ; {ASTER} ; {M}ulti-{GAS} ; {T}rail by fire ; {PEROU} ; {EL} {MISTI} {VOLCAN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}ulletin of {V}olcanology}, volume = {79}, numero = {6}, pages = {art. 46 [11 p.]}, ISSN = {0258-8900}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1007/s00445-017-1129-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070262}, }