@article{fdi:010070185, title = {{L}ong-term {P}iliostigma reticulatum intercropping in the {S}ahel : crop productivity, carbon sequestration, nutrient cycling, and soil quality}, author = {{B}right, {M}. {B}. {H}. and {D}iedhiou, {I}. and {B}ayala, {R}. and {A}ssigbets{\'e}, {K}omi and {C}hapuis {L}ardy, {L}ydie and {N}dour, {Y}. and {D}ick, {R}. {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}hroughout the {S}ahel, food insecurity remains a persistent threat. {A} few studies have shown that {P}iliostigma reticulatum, a dominant native shrub in parklands from {S}enegal to {S}udan, can positively impact crop yields. {H}owever, there are no experiments that measure whether this species can stabilize long-term crop productivity under erratic rainfall. {T}herefore, an 11-year study of an optimized {P}. reticulatum intercropping system (1000 shrubs ha(-1) with annual coppiced residue soil amendments) was initiated in 2004 in {S}enegal, {W}est {A}frica to determine its impacts on crop productivity and soil quality. {T}he experiment was a split-plot factorial design with the main plot shrubs (with and without) and the subplot fertilizer rate (0, 0.5, 1, and 1.5 times the recommended {N}-{P}-{K} rate) with an annual groundnut ({A}rachis hypogaea) and pearl millet ({P}ennisetum glaucum) crop rotation. {Y}ield, biomass, soil carbon, and soil and plant nutrient data from 2011 to 2015 were compared with data from 2004 to 2007. {T}he presence of shrubs increased millet and groundnut yield from 2011 to 2015 and rainfall water use efficiency ({WUE}) between 2004 and 2015. {W}ithout fertilizer addition, the shrub plots had approximately 2 times greater millet yield throughout the duration of this experiment. {T}he presence of shrubs also improved soil quality, as evidenced by significantly greater {C} in the fraction <53 mu m and total {C} in shrub over non-shrub plots. {T}hus, {P}. reticulatum intercropping promotes {C} sequestration. {I}n addition, five macronutrients ({N}, {K}, {C}a, {M}g, {S}) and two micronutrients ({M}n and {C}u) were significantly greater in the shrub plots. {T}he results provide strong evidence that intercropping with {P}. reticulatum is an ecological agroforestry system for the {S}ahel that can remediate soils, increase crop yields, and buffer climate change.}, keywords = {{W}est africa ; {P}arklands ; {A}groforestry ; {S}hrub intercropping ; {P}earl millet ; {G}roundnut ; {SENEGAL} ; {SAHEL} ; {ZONE} {SOUDANNIENNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}griculture {E}cosystems and {E}nvironment}, volume = {242}, numero = {}, pages = {9--22}, ISSN = {0167-8809}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/j.agee.2017.03.007}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070185}, }