@book{fdi:010069751, title = {{A}n anthropological economy of debt}, author = {{H}ours, {B}ernard and {O}uld {A}hmed, {P}epita}, editor = {{H}ours, {B}ernard and {O}uld {A}hmed, {P}epita}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}ebt is often thought of as a mere economic variable governed by a simplistic mechanical logic, ignoring its other facets. {W}hose debt, and debt of what exactly ? {T}his volume analyzes debt as a political and social construct, with a multiplicity of purposes and agents. {A}ll of these are vectors of meanings that are highly diverse, and of subtle distinctions ; they show that debt is a transverse phenomenon, cutting across spaces that are not merely economic but also domestic, social and political. {E}ach contributor takes a fresh view of the subject, dealing with debt at a different time, in a different society, on a different scale of observation. {B}y adopting a determinedly interdisciplinary approach, the authors reveal in the phenomenon of debt a diversity of social and gendered determinants that amount in some cases to domination, allegiance or slavery, and in others to solidarity and emancipation. {D}ebt is at one and the same time shared, imposed, political and gendered.}, keywords = {{ENDETTEMENT} ; {ANTHROPOLOGIE} {SOCIALE} ; {ANTHROPOLOGIE} {ECONOMIQUE} ; {THEORIE} ; {RAPPORTS} {SOCIAUX} ; {SACRE} ; {DROIT} ; {DROIT} {COUTUMIER} ; {DOMINATION} ; {DEPENDANCE} {ECONOMIQUE} ; {ECHANGE} ; {ACCES} {AU} {CREDIT} ; {PRET} ; {EPARGNE} ; {MONNAIE} ; {MARCHE} {FINANCIER} ; {ETAT} ; {ENTREPRISE} ; {POLITIQUE} {ECONOMIQUE} ; {BANQUE} ; {PETROLE} ; {FEMME} ; {ROLE} {DES} {FEMMES} ; {CRISE} {ECONOMIQUE} ; {CAPITALISME} ; {COMMUNISME} ; {HISTOIRE} {ECONOMIQUE} ; {DETTE} ; {DETTE} {EXTERIEURE} ; {MICROCREDIT} ; {MICROFINANCE} ; {NEOLIBERALISME} ; {CONTRAT} ; {ENTREPRENEUR} ; {FAILLITE} ; {ALGERIE} ; {MALI} ; {BAMAKO} ; {SENEGAL} ; {BURKINA} {FASO} ; {SAINT} {LOUIS} ; {MAROC} ; {EUROPE} ; {GRECE} ; {ROUMANIE} ; {ASIE} ; {INDE} ; {CHINE} ; {AMERIQUE} {LATINE} ; {EQUATEUR} ; {NICARAGUA}}, address = {{N}ew {Y}ork}, publisher = {{R}outledge}, series = {{R}outledge {S}tudies in {A}nthropology}, pages = {210}, year = {2015}, ISBN = {978-1-138-88883-8}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069751}, }