@article{fdi:010069515, title = {{F}ine mapping of {RYMV}3 : a new resistance gene to {R}ice yellow mottle virus from {O}ryza glaberrima}, author = {{P}idon, {H}{\'e}l{\`e}ne and {G}hesqui{\`e}re, {A}lain and {C}h{\'e}ron, {S}ophie and {I}ssaka, {S}. and {H}{\'e}brard, {E}ug{\'e}nie and {S}abot, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {K}olade, {O}. and {S}ilu{\'e}, {D}. and {A}lbar, {L}aurence}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} new resistance gene against {R}ice yellow mottle virus was identified and mapped in a 15-kb interval. {T}he best candidate is a {CC}-{NBS}-{LRR} gene. {R}ice yellow mottle virus ({RYMV}) disease is a serious constraint to the cultivation of rice in {A}frica and selection for resistance is considered to be the most effective management strategy. {T}he aim of this study was to characterize the resistance of {T}og5307, a highly resistant accession belonging to the {A}frican cultivated rice species ({O}ryza glaberrima), that has none of the previously identified resistance genes to {RYMV}. {T}he specificity of {T}og5307 resistance was analyzed using 18 {RYMV} isolates. {W}hile three of them were able to infect {T}og5307 very rapidly, resistance against the others was effective despite infection events attributed to resistance-breakdown or incomplete penetrance of the resistance. {S}egregation of resistance in an interspecific backcross population derived from a cross between {T}og5307 and the susceptible {O}ryza sativa variety {IR}64 showed that resistance is dominant and is controlled by a single gene, named {RYMV}3. {RYMV}3 was mapped in an approximately 15-kb interval in which two candidate genes, coding for a putative transmembrane protein and a {CC}-{NBS}-{LRR} domain-containing protein, were annotated. {S}equencing revealed non-synonymous polymorphisms between {T}og5307 and the {O}. glaberrima susceptible accession {CG}14 in both candidate genes. {A}n additional resistant {O}. glaberrima accession, {T}og5672, was found to have the {T}og5307 genotype for the {CC}-{NBS}-{LRR} gene but not for the putative transmembrane protein gene. {A}nalysis of the cosegregation of {T}og5672 resistance with the {RYMV}3 locus suggests that {RYMV}3 is also involved in {T}og5672 resistance, thereby supporting the {CC}-{NBS}-{LRR} gene as the best candidate for {RYMV}3.}, keywords = {{F}ine mapping ; {RYMV} ; {R}ice ; {O}ryza glaberrima ; {R}esistance ; {NB}-{LRR}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}heoretical and {A}pplied {G}enetics}, volume = {130}, numero = {4}, pages = {807--818}, ISSN = {0040-5752}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1007/s00122-017-2853-0}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069515}, }